Which do I need to test for?


New member
Our current kit tests for Ammonia, PH, Nitrites, and Nitrates. Is there anything else I should be testing for in my new tank? If so, how often?
Most important is to get NH3 and NO2 under control by bacterial cycling.
Alkalinity is most important next, keep it as stable and steady as possible.
Ca and Mg are next in order of importance, Salifert makes good kits.
I don't bother with pH. Haven't checked it in at least 25 years. Trying to achieve the "perfect" pH will only throw off the important levels (Calcium and Alkalinity)

For the first year or so, you probably won't have to worry about Ca, Alk, or Mg. Regular water changes should take care of those for you. It is not until you have added stony corals (and they are growing) that dosing those will become important.
As long as you dont have an NH3/NO2 spike when you feed the tank it should be good to go for a small fish.
Did you "ghost" feed during cycle?
So you got lucky and your rock was already cured enough?
Be careful in the future, most people would have killed many creatures, you can cycle w/out fish.