Which is better: 2 part solution or kalk


I recently picked up a doser and was wondering if I should switch to a two part solution setup. Everything is in good shape right now but I want to start adding a lot more corals soon. Is the 2 part solution better when the demands are higher?

BTW I only add kalk now to top off.

Use both. Kalk in the top off and 2 part to add over and above. Assuming your consumption rate is that high. Make sure you are testing.
Kalk wont keep up with high demmand, but you can use until 2 part is necessary. Then add 2 part. I chhose to keep kalk since i like the ph stability it helps with and the ease to dose ( evaporation water).

BTW its also chaeper, so both for me.
Those of you that use both, use both for PH stability or just to use less 2 part?

I use both as well, kalk is simply not enough to meet my demand of stony corals in the tank. I would say I use it for both those reasons you mentioned as well as the side benefit of kalk removing phosphates.
I currently use brightwells reef code , 2 part. I've always dosed 2 part since I started reefing.

Currently not using kalk.
I have a mixed reef.

I am currently in the process of setting up an ato system. For the last two years I've been manually topping off with ro/di. Finally I've become rather tired of the whole manual topoff.
I'm rather new to the whole kalk thing.
My tank burns through roughly 1/2-1 gal of water daily.

So my two questions are.

Would I benefit from kalk?
How do I figure out the right amount to add to my ato system?
Cool. Thanks. I have a 2 part dower which has been doing great maintaining alk and calc. But Im still struggling to get my PH above 8 (have a whole 'nother thread about this). I just added a CO2 scrubber also. It's only been a couple of days and its raised my PH so far about .15. If the scrubber doesn't get it up above 8, I'll probably start using Kalk as well.

So back to the original question, if you use both, do you theoretically use less 2 part while using Kalk?
Cool. Thanks. I have a 2 part dower which has been doing great maintaining alk and calc. But Im still struggling to get my PH above 8 (have a whole 'nother thread about this). I just added a CO2 scrubber also. It's only been a couple of days and its raised my PH so far about .15. If the scrubber doesn't get it up above 8, I'll probably start using Kalk as well.

So back to the original question, if you use both, do you theoretically use less 2 part while using Kalk?

theoretically, yes. never tested though. dont see the need. BTW my ph goes daily from 7.8-8.1 with zero issues.
theoretically, yes. never tested though. dont see the need. BTW my ph goes daily from 7.8-8.1 with zero issues.

Ok, just wondering cuz if scrubber doesn't work and I add kalk I imagine I'd have to adjust my doser settings?

My issue is that I was constantly dropping under 7.8 at night. Sometimes down to 7.67 or 7.69. So far it looks like the scrubber is helping to keep it above 7.8 all day/night.