Which Kalk reactor?


New member
I've narrowed my choices down to either the Geo or Precision Marine. If you had a choice which would you choose? I would like to hear from those that have used these models before. Please don't say get the Deltec, cuz I can't afford that one :D

I think the geo is a better unit, from what I've seen his stuff is top notch, he's also a mod on here and a super nice person to deal with.
I just got my GEO reactor yesterday and it's a nice unit. Solid and easy to use. The drain is a nice feature as well. I'd recommend it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6549726#post6549726 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by raddogz
I have a GEO and love it. I feed mine with an Aqualifter.

i tried feeding mine with an aqualifter but it wasn't enough pressure. Now i'm looking into getting a dosing pumpw ith more pressure ... likely the SpectraPure LiterMeter III.

Any suggestions guys? The Aquamedic SP 3000 offers ~15psi ... is that enough or do we need ~45psi from the specttrapure??
look at a mrc i use one its gravity feed to a kent marine float valve its been running for 2 yrs plus and never had a problem its still got the original stir bar just make sure to clean the float valve as partof your regular matienance