Which Large Tank?


Active member
I'm in the process of planning a new system and I cannot decide on the tank/stand. Which would you guys go with and why? All of the below I would order standard with the cornerflow.

1) Marineland DD 150 Cube (36"x36"x27")
2) Marineland 180 (72"x24"x24")
3) Marineland DD 200 (48"x36"x27")
make sure you will be satisfied with a 180-200g for the next several years. i'm only 1yr into my 180g and my biggest regret is not getting a 300g+.
I'm in the process of planning a new system and I cannot decide on the tank/stand. Which would you guys go with and why? All of the below I would order standard with the cornerflow.

1) Marineland DD 150 Cube (36"x36"x27")
2) Marineland 180 (72"x24"x24")
3) Marineland DD 200 (48"x36"x27")

4) Marineland 300DD (72"x36"x27)

If you want a 6' go this way
Almost doesn't matter what size you get. After a while it'll be too small.... I have a 120g now and I am starting my 210g. I regret not going the 6' route to begin with. 180g, 210g, and 300g dd are all awesome!!
Thanks for the replys guys. I've done maintenance on a lot of larger systems in the past, and 200g is about as big as I want to go. Anything larger than that, I don't think I would be as happy with because of maintenance.

BTW, any tank I get is one I will keep for a very long time.
if you're not planning on keeping tangs then definitely go with #3. the deep tanks are awesome and really give you so many options for aquascaping.
You seem more experienced than me but here's my thoughts. Went with a 150 because I like the cube look. Also the wife wasn't going for the 4 footer. Not sure about the standard tank but the DD stands side panels are removable which is nice, but they're also short 25'' inside height and the 150 is 35'' inside width so you may be looking at a custom sump if you want any usable space. Also I have the canopy which requires two people to remove. And with the depth of this tank and only the front opening my 24" arms can't reach much which is really annoying. But the front to back depth is so unfamliar from what I'm used to staring at it's worth the disadvantages to me. Here's my build thread
I bought the marineland 265 and I love it. Its seven long 24 deep and 30 tall, i previously had a 225 acrylic.

We also have a 265G. While we absolutely love it, I like the deepth of the 300G DD even better. When I first got into this hobby 17 yrs ago, we started with a 90G, which we considered a large tank. A couple years later, a 180 hit the market and I set my goals on upgrading. The upgrade took 15 years, but was worth the wait. If the added #4 won't fit the bill, I would suggest #2 (bigger is better but I think the six foot long will give you more options)
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