Which One 150 gal?


New member
Which stream would be good for my tank. It is 4 feet long 30 inches tall by 24 inches deep. I have a deep sandbed with close to 200 pounds of rock. My tank is mostly sps coals with a few lps and a single clam. Also does anybody stock these pumps or will i be on a waiting list. Thanks in advance--Paul
I have been re-thinking my idea and i may need to go with two instead. One on each side of the tank. Will this be too much if i were to use a pair of these: Turbelle Ã"šÃ‚® stream kit 6010? Thanks in advance
The 6000 flow carries about 4ft so it is the better choice, the 6100 is good for 8ft. I would go with 2 6000 and a 7094 multicontroller, it gives more options and if you buy 2 6010's and have the two single controllers and buy two photocells for night mode you are only saving $50 over the multicontroller which will include the photocell. That said, single controllers are in stock and multicontrollers are not. 6000 pumps also will have somewhat of a wait and some 6100 pumps might be available.
I have a 5ft tank with about 200# of rock, mostly SPS, 3 clams. I bought the 6100 pump and definately will need a second. The one is by no means too much for the tank. I do have it mounted in a front corner aiming at the opposite back corner. I may just add a 6080 on a timer to go off at night, but I feel the smaller units would not be enough.
ReefRaf, I don't disagree with you but in general I hedge on the side of caution in my advise. You have a lot of rock and almost all SPS so you have the type of tank the Stream was particularly designed for. This type of advise is always difficult for me, as I am not looking at your tank, even a picture doesn't give the same feel as being their. I am not trying to misguide anybody but if you read the majority of threads most people feel a 6100 is too much for a 4ft aquarium, in general I think 2 6000 is the ideal solution with one pump on high while the other pump is on low, programmed through the multicontroller. I do not see anything wrong though with what you intend to do and it should be fine.
Roger, I didn't mean to sound like I'm refuting your advice; you offer great and sound advice to people. My intent was to create a bit of balance. When I first installed my 6100, I was a bit disappointed since I read so many threads about how a stream would blow the side glass right off the tank!! I see a lot of readers being hesitant to consider a stream based on similar stories.
Don't get me wrong, I love this pump and am buying a second very soon. I just want people to realize that they are only water pumps, not jet engines :D
I can certainly see a problem if I put my hammer coral 3 feet in front of the stream...I'm sure it would blow the tissue right off, but you can tailor the position of the pump to fit many (most) applications, IMO.
Thanks, it is a different flow. You own one so you understand that it has a very different effect than a dozen MJ1200's, even though the flow rates are equal. It literally moves a wall of water. Though this is natural it is intimidating at first. I grew up near the coast and the ocean isn't tame thats for sure. Even on a mild day walking in knee deep water isn't exactly easy, all the same different corals require different conditions and just like a wave obstacles like rock have a dramatic effect.