Which Tunze to get???


Active member
My tank is a 180-gallon 72"x24"x24" mainly sps. One of the front corners in my tank is starting to get cyano or something on the sand. I would like to add a powerhead to the back wall of my tank and angle it down towards this area. So keep in mind, the direction the powerhead will be facing is only 24" back to front. My current flow is 2x Vortech MP40w one on each side of the tank. I was thinking about adding the Tunze Nanostream 6045. Do you think this would be too much flow in that direction? Not enough??? I am going to try to angle it so the flow pattern goes under the Vortechs flow coming from the side. Thanks.
i just bought a 6205 its a lot better than mp40w. IMHO
maybe you should get a 6105 i lot stronger than vortech plus i heard 10X better costumer service
Thanks, but I'm pretty happy with my Vortechs for my main flow. I just need something small to hit that one spot. I'm going to order a 6045 now, hope this is the right size. I read that it can be modded for more flow too.
I got a smoking deal from premiumaquatics. My original question still stands... hope I made the right choice. Please let me know what you think because its probably not too late to change the order to a 6025 or something else. Thanks.
I think the 6045 was the right choice. The 6025 basically has a 2ft reach, the 6045 is about 3ft, you probably would want the bit of extra force.