white bar boxfish


New member
I've been seeing posts of people (some representing LFS) suggesting that that white bar boxes (Anoplocapros lenticularis) are tropical and can be kept in temps as high as 78F. Everything I've seen in written literature says that they are from Tasmania and S. Australia and have an upper limit 72F, with ideal temps being significantly cooler (I have seen them and other boxes from the same region successfully kept in tanks as cool as 55F).

How could a vendor invest so much in a single specimen and not know something so fundamental about its husbandry? Where they duping their customers, or were they duped by their wholesaler? It seems somebody is wrong here, and I can't help but trust the published professional aquarists here over the salesmen. I would never buy (much less sell) a fish I know nothing about. It could have been an honest mistake on the part of the store; if so it was a shocking one, given this fish's price tag. It seems vendors always err on the side of profit.

My understanding is that this problem happened when collectors of white-bars, Shaw's, etc. were having a difficult time marketing their fish to importers who did not want to order twice from Australia (Once for GBR fish and corals and once for more southern species). So - as I heard it, these collectors began transporting their fish north to the exporters working out of the GBR area - and shipping from there. Thus the "idea" that these fish are tropical was born - after all, they were being imported from a tropical area (grin). That said, maybe that's just the excuse they used to sell more fish (grin).

Its always a bad idea to "push" the temperature of any fish - either direction, if it falls outside of the normal range.

That is all so sad, because exporters from S. Australia could find, or even create, a market unto itself for the incredible flora and fauna of their region. Even if they shipped alongside GBR shipments to conserve on freight costs, they could at least pack the boxes apropriately (with cold packs) and refrain from misinforming the consumer. In the meanwhile, consumers should take responsibility for educating themselves about the needs of the creatures they purchase (before the purchase). And, finally, the few (but growing) body of temperate marine aquarium enthusiasts should demand that their dealers house the specimens they display in properly maintained (at least chilled) holding facilities.
Re: white bar boxfish

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14638094#post14638094 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coolwaves
I've been seeing posts of people (some representing LFS) suggesting that that white bar boxes (Anoplocapros lenticularis) are tropical and can be kept in temps as high as 78F. Everything I've seen in written literature says that they are from Tasmania and S. Australia and have an upper limit 72F, with ideal temps being significantly cooler (I have seen them and other boxes from the same region successfully kept in tanks as cool as 55F).

How could a vendor invest so much in a single specimen and not know something so fundamental about its husbandry? Where they duping their customers, or were they duped by their wholesaler? It seems somebody is wrong here, and I can't help but trust the published professional aquarists here over the salesmen. I would never buy (much less sell) a fish I know nothing about. It could have been an honest mistake on the part of the store; if so it was a shocking one, given this fish's price tag. It seems vendors always err on the side of profit.


I live near a store that is making these claims in order to sell a white bar boxfish. They ended up just copying information from the Australian Museum's website and then tried to claim that Temperate means 75 degrees :lol: even though the information from the site says nothing about the actual temperature.
Based on everything I have read this fish should be kept in the 60's.
Re: Re: white bar boxfish

Re: Re: white bar boxfish

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14766261#post14766261 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dwestUSF

I live near a store that is making these claims in order to sell a white bar boxfish. They ended up just copying information from the Australian Museum's website and then tried to claim that Temperate means 75 degrees :lol: even though the information from the site says nothing about the actual temperature.
Based on everything I have read this fish should be kept in the 60's.

Man, that's lame. They probably sell books right in the store that describe this species. It would be interesting to see what they would do if one was to prove to them (which would be easy enough to do) that their info is erroneous. How much are they asking for this particular fish?
Re: Re: Re: white bar boxfish

Re: Re: Re: white bar boxfish

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14767998#post14767998 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coolwaves
Man, that's lame. They probably sell books right in the store that describe this species. It would be interesting to see what they would do if one was to prove to them (which would be easy enough to do) that their info is erroneous. How much are they asking for this particular fish?

The wanted $500 for it which seems to be the going rate. It was being kept in a coral tank with metal halides.