Who has good results gravity feeding a H&S A200 2x 1260?


New member
Hi,just curious as too how many feed there a200 2x 1260 this way,and how they feel it works?Im considering this on a AGA 180.As far as I know thats 600gph per megaflow and the 1260(2x)needs 550gph of flow.Is this a good idea?Thank-you.
What did you do about "turbulence" issues? Did you just simply hook it up, T it, and put a valve on the intake? Any particular angles or orientations that would affect performance (i.e. more bubbles entering the skimmer).
Thanks fliger those pics made my decision on the skimmer I want easy!Im glad to here that gravity feeding it seemed to work out.
There are a few others with this skimmer, both i2ik and I posted some pix over in the H&S forum. This skimmer, and the Bubble King 300 ext were my favorite skimmers!