who has tangs? and who is satisfied with them?

Here is a pic of his polyps, every single tenticle is gone. The one leather that they pick at is on the right side of the polyps, you can tell it is small.


Here is a thread on his tank
I have a Kole Tang. Great fish, whenever I target feed my tubastrea he tries to eat algae off my hand. hasn't bothered anything except the two lawnmower blennies he killed. kole's don't go well with Lawnmowers. I have a Midas, and he is ok with him. :D


I have a almost 11year old Hippo, 6 year old Purple and 5 year old White Face Tang together in a 180, they are great fish!!!


I have a 5 inch yellow tang, totally docile, great personality,always watching me when I'm near the tank.:D
I will agree with the sailfin and then powder blue both in my tank the sailfin being twice the size of the powder blue is a bit more agreesive at times (feeding) but other than that they get along just fine.

My sailfin is smart too... I use a turkey bastor to feed my corals and by the 2nd time feeding the corals, the sailfin had already associated the bastor and food and wont leave me along when I try to feed my corals... i even feed the fish first... they're just pigs I guess
I had a hippo that started nipping at my brain, I was able to get and sold it to a friend of mine and guess what! killed his brain (I did tell him about it :)). Now I have a PBT and a kole can I add a Naso? 125G
While we are on the subject of tangs...

I have 2 yellow tangs and 2 blue hippo tangs....

Both of my hippo tangs pick up hermit crabs by their shells the swim around with them in their mouths for like 15 seconds, then drop them into the sand from the top of the tank!

Has anyone else seen their hippos playing ball with any hermits?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6952609#post6952609 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by YoungReefer06
While we are on the subject of tangs...

I have 2 yellow tangs and 2 blue hippo tangs....

Both of my hippo tangs pick up hermit crabs by their shells the swim around with them in their mouths for like 15 seconds, then drop them into the sand from the top of the tank!

Has anyone else seen their hippos playing ball with any hermits?


That's hilarious.
I have 3 yellow's I've had for 2 years, they get along great, there always playig a lazy follow the leader game, in and out of the live rock. Mine aren't the most intellegent though, not much personality at all. There just fun to watch.
I love my Blue Hippo. I think he thinks he is a clown fish. He is always hanging out with my Tomato Clown fish and tries to get inbetween the two of them. It's pretty funny!
that's it, i'm gonna have to get the tangs. the one greatest quality(aside from color of course :p) is there personality. not many other fish have the personality they have. by the way, i'm gonna get the white cheek over the kole, as i want a lawnmower blenny.

also, would an achilles be better than a whitecheek? i know they are harder which is why i like the whitecheek. but i'm just so tempted by the achilles. who has had success with them?
I just noticed the Clown Tang's handy work

I just noticed the Clown Tang's handy work

I just noticed the 2 big bite marks out of the sailfin, they look like 2 missing slices of pizza. There are a few other fish that have these battle scars as well. I love the Clown Tang but, I would think 2x before getting one ever again. I mean this is a 10ft tank. If I did get one, it would be the last fish I added and I would find the smallest Clown tang I ever saw.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6950072#post6950072 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 21Reefman
Here is a pic of his polyps, every single tenticle is gone. The one leather that they pick at is on the right side of the polyps, you can tell it is small.


Here is a thread on his tank
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6951175#post6951175 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cristhiam
I had a hippo that started nipping at my brain, I was able to get and sold it to a friend of mine and guess what! killed his brain (I did tell him about it :)). Now I have a PBT and a kole can I add a Naso? 125G

Yes:) I would try to get one as big or bigger, than your other tangs.

The Reefer91, is a white cheek the same as a powder brown? Is there another common name for it??

Does anyone have a pic?
Thanks, The Reffer91 and thereefmaster, I too love the powder brown. In fact I have been on the search for a small one to round out the reef tank. I have a little purple that I grew from a nickel, he is now like 2-3in, he is in the FOWLR and will be the final addition to the tank
As for other peculiar behavior, I have watched an Orange shoulder (actually 2 diff ones) go to the surface and "eat" air. They seem to nip at the surface and pull a few bubbles through his gills. They seem to really like to do this, they do it like they would go up to a rock and nip off some algae. Only the Orange shoulders have done this activity, in the same tank as 9-13 other tangs (400gal).