Who is using UV or Ozone?


Premium Member
How many with large tanks are using UV or Ozone. I am setting up a 225 or 300 (still Deciding, Wife's Choice) and need help deciding UV or Ozone. UV seems an easy choise, no danger, Ozone might work better. I am looking for your expertise................
I use UV. Ozone can be problematic to accurately measure and manage and, no matter what vendors claim, it will compromize the integrity of your skimmer and pump parts over time.

What specifically are you trying to accomplish with your application of UV/ozone?
I will be setting up a 225 or 300 and looking to get the best Water quality and Bacteria/algea protection i can for the best price. Ozone seems to be better but more involvment with monitors and controllers. With UV set the right flow and watt unit and forget it?
I am currently running both in my 290. My water is spotless and my fish and corals are healthy. I use a Milwaukee controller on my ozonizer, and I keep my ORP at 360 without any issues.


I'm using a Red Sea deluxe 100 in my 120 tech tank, keep it set about 350, have had no prob's I think it's much nicer than a uv unit, I've used them both...and as far as ozone poisoning ?..lol I think with proper monitoring and common sense you'll live to enjoy a beautiful tank...don"t believe the HYPE....;-)
id also like to run ozone...& also hear people say not to worry about it...still dont know...id hate to ruin my $ 2000.00 bk
I use it, and my controller is a timer set 1/2 hour on and off. I like the way it smells.
I have a 120 watt UV purchased, but, not yet plumbed... for my 300. I like the idea of being able to control the free floating bacteria and algae. I think it makes sense that you can help dampen toxic "blooms" this way. Looking forward to more input!
I've used both for some time now without any problems. With regard to UV, good information has always been rather spotty, imo. I think of it as a preventative more than a cure; best to get it up and going BEFORE you have an 'ich' problem. It also is not a substitute for good husbandry or a proper regimen of QT. My recommendation would be to purchase a well built unit rated for a tank sized a little larger than the one you have. I've found that some companies are a little optimistic in their specs and, in this case, it's better to have a little too much than too little. At least you can dial it down. Anyway, use a properly rated pump and, above all, keep the bulbs clean. As far as Ozone is concerned, I believe it DOES make your skimmer perform more efficiently and thereby benefits the tank as a whole, but to be on the safe side, I would never think of using one without a controller. I like to keep mine set at 350. Also, as Ozone will eventually affect many of the plastic and rubber parts involved in its application, make sure you replace the 'stock' tubing, etc. with parts specifically made for use with it.
Originally posted by woodwonders
On the subject of UV, does anyone know a good recommendation for wattage/ gallon tank size, or flow rate through the light? I've also been thinking about adding one but am not sure what to get.

Very good questions. The answers are not all that clear.

As you probably know the sterilizer only kills what passes through, so the more exchange (eg 5x tank volume) the more waterborn organisms will be exposed.

The other side of that is that the larger the organism the more radiation needed for lethality. The amount of radiation the organism recives depends on the size of the bulb and the amount of time it is exposed(dwell time or flow rate)For example, the manufacturer's perfomance chart for the Coral Life turbo twist 18w claims effectiveness against parasites at 110gph,algae at 240 gph and bacteria at 500gph.So if you ran that unit on a 100gal tank at about 100gph it would be lethal to parsites passing through it per the manufacturer but you would only turn your tank over 1x per hour. Mainstream thinking is about 3x to 5x but I don't think there is any definative information available.

Bear in mind that the parasite cryptocaryon irritans(ich) is a relatively large piece of microfualna and to be lethal significant expsoure would be required,.Even then the sterilizer will only kill those that pass trough it and not those in the substrate or in/ on the fish.

The parasite amyloodinium(velvet/the more lethal form of ich) is a dinoflagellate algae requiring less exposure.

Many good bacteria and bad bacteria live on substrate or rock or the organisms(fish,corals,etc.) themselvews and will not be exposed.

Obviously, bigger is better but in any case the sterilizer should not be viewed as a cure for diseases or an alternative to quarantine,

Personally, I run 96w(3 sterilizers) on 500g with a combined flow rate of about 1000gph. It cuts down on glass cleaning and helps to keep clear water. I like to think it helps against parasites and other pathenopgens but have no scientific information to support that notion other than manufacturers claims which even if true may be negated if surving organisms can adjust to repopulate as fast as they are killed as some have argued.

Hobby Experience: 40yrs+overall,6yrs reef,9tanks,largest is a 120g reef
Current Tanks: 500g system consisting of a 120g reef sps mixed,a 90g lps,a 90g sps dominant,a 30g breeder lps frag tank ,a 40g sps frag tank,a 20g refugium,a29g refugium, an 88gal sump with live rock and rubble. Calcium reactor and kalk doser , mh pc and vho

From another post of mine FYI