Who names these things?


Not afriad to admit wrong
Team RC
Ok I have recently gotten an eye for zoa's.... Have not gotten any yet... I am moving my 120 to a new 180 with sump.... I want to get some when things get settled.

Who names these things?

Purple People Eater... Armageddon... what in the world...

I really like them... wow to some of them.
OK Sorry.. I found my answer in po'd about zoa thread.

But really??

marketing.. argh... :(

We are all in the wrong field.

Feel free to delete this thread...
yeah its all marketing. but honestly its nice to be able to refer to them by name so people know what you are talking about
I have a zoa called pink ring of death hahahahahahah!!!!!!!
Another legion of evil!!!!!!
What's even funnier is they're very nice with lots of pink.
It's partially marketing, but also a lack of names. There are so many zoas, hybrid and otherwise, that most books don't cover but 1 or 2 types. The biggest reason is that for the most part the same care is required, so you get broad descriptions. I will say though, write a detailed zoa book and pick the names yourself. I imagine people would adhere to them:thumbsup: I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
Some of these names are on the "level," some of them are not.

When I ask you what kind of car you drive, don't tell me it's a "Chevy." This leaves a lot to the imagination. If you were to tell me it's a "Chevelle," now I have an idea...

"SS?" lol

I'm pretty sure we all know what "Radioactive Dragon Eyes" look like...

JMO. :)
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i guess calling names would be easier calling it...
"x" color outer skirt with "y" color inner skirt with "z" color outer ring and "a" color inner ring with "b" color mouth zoa
not only zoa has name, sticks, chalice, favia, acans got named
So then purple people eater.. Now that would be strange color... purple and red. hahahaha
My favorite is the "hasselpaly".

Really though, the only way we're going to stop the crazy prices these named Zoas bring with them is to:

-Stop buying them (at a large group level).
-OR, buy a few polyps, grow them out, and continue selling them much cheaper, say at $5-10 for that many Zoas (or give them away for free). As long as you sell them in local clubs, you can state that the buyer cannot resell the polyps for a higher price later on.

After a while, this should start to drive prices down.
I read that same statement on someone's website or their youtube video... It was a seller.. He has lots of polyps that are unique and they are growing them out, not selling them, (because I have been watching their page because I want some of them) and waiting on a large growout to drop the price overall and have them go out...

Yes these are the laws of supply and demand... I was thinknig of taking my 120g that I just emptied into my new 180g and make a LARGE grow out tank... but I have to get it all ready....

I have never grown them so I need to start reading and get spun up of requirements and all.
Agree E, but not all think that way.

You mean the hasselpaly isn't everyone's favorite polyp? :lol2:

I think the more people who follow the idea (even if it's not everyone) the better. Like mentioned above.. It's the laws of supply and demand. If even one person is selling this week's hot polyp for $1-2 each, are people going to pay $25 or more pp? The more people who sell them cheaply, the better.
See that's where a local forum would work best. If people were reselling them at a profit, they would be called out. Of course some would try to be a ninja about it, but overall it would work out OK.