Who's the oldest (longest running) active member of RC?

Near the top right of your screen is says "Welcome, ludiNano"...... and your name is in blue..... click that. Look at the web address (www.reefcentral.c...........) and there will be a number at the end..... thats your memeber number. Similarly, you can check anyone elses.

A real easy way is to put your cursor over your member name & in the bottom left of the screen it will say "http://reefcentral.com/forums/member.php?= then whatever that number is is the member number.
Must have been very late '90s, since RC didn't go live until October of 1999.

As far as active "oldsters" in the staff ranks, Mhurley is #218 (and he registered in October of 1999), Billsreef is #32, BrianD is #6 and Agu is #2. I got here late (#1075). :D


yes, it was sometime late in 1999
then I re registered in 2001
Ive been here for quite along time with a few yr or so breaks in between.. currently just sold all my tanks again.. But I'll be back in awhile when I get things more in order in my life..(like finding a job)
where do I find my user number?

Hover the cursor over your name in one of the threads, a URL will appear at the bottom left of your screen. At the end of that URL is your member #. You're 712.

So who is in the top 10?

We know Agu is 2 and Brian is 6 but what about the other 7 (since 1 does not exist)?
650 here. Was Larry number one?

#2 Agu
#3 Ariel
#4 Biosystems
#5 Brian-old
#6 BrianD
#7 DougL
#8 FishDaddy
#9 Kat
#10 Kirbster

According to the mouse over technique