Why buy 160G Salt Mix Bucket vs 200G Box?


For the past few years I have been buying 200G boxes of Reef Crystals. I get 4 bags in a box and store the unopened bags in a rubbermaid container. I keep one opened bag in a 5G bucket and use it to mix up my 20G weekly water change. I store the sealed bucket in the basement with the other container. The benefits to the box are that
  1. All that I ever need to carry up the stairs is 50G of salt mix at a time
  2. Once at the end of the bag I can open a new bag and mix old with new so I get some transition salt
  3. If a bucket does not get completely sealed I am only dealing with a small amount of crusty salt.
Works for me, but about to place my next order and saw the pricing was the same at least at BRS for both sizes.

Obviously some buy the 160G bucket over the 200G box, so wondering why you might pay more per gallon other than to get the bucket.

If you are buying in bulk, do you do the bucket or the box and why?
I would attribute that choice directly to tank size. My system is small with a 30gal DT and a 200gal supply of salt mix cuts into needed space in my home. My preference is usually a 32 gal size of TM pro reef which has become rather difficult for me to find lately.

When I still had my 210 up and running the larger 200gal mix box was standard. I also used RC salt then due to the price difference.
Box... For all the reasons you mentioned. Plus it goes on sale a lot and I can get it shipped to my front door.
I buy mostly the boxes. i mix up 55 g batches of nsw so I also keep a bucket around to adjust salinity after adding a 50g bag to the barrel
boxes, for all reasons above and on the chance the 5 gal lid doesn't seal, the rest of the salt isn't totally clumped and supposedly unusable
Box. But I find if you roll up the opened plastic well (or put a potato chip clip on) the salt doesn't get crusty. Store in the box. IMO the box takes up the same amount of room as a bucket.
I buy it in the boxes and empty one bag at a time into the bucket that has a lid. The rest of the salt stays sealed until it is used so I don't have to worry about any clumping.
It depends on what's the least expensive at the time of purchase. Usually, it's the box. I mix up roughly 50g each time so I go through salt relatively fast; with the box, I pull out one bag and dump it all in, making it pretty easy not having to measure. Just a quick check to make sure salinity is correct.
Bags, for the above reasons as well as the rumors I've heard of minerals settling out in buckets if you don't roll them around on the floor before you measure. It's easier to shake a bag. I never get as many gallons as they say any way, the diff is prolly more like 150 v 175 (made those #s up, I haven't actually tested it)
I bought buckets until I had enough and have been vying boxes ever since, for all the same reasons. In addition, I've read posts about salt settling so that parameters change across the package slightly. I can easily mix a bag of salt in my bucket so I'm certain it's pretty consistent.
225g bucket of Salinity. Best bucket in the biz with sealing twist-on lid. Mixes up to 1.025 so you really do get 225g out of it, or pretty close to it. Love it. :)
If i end up picking up some other salt, whether it comes in a box or bucket, I tend to dump it into an empty Salinity bucket.
If they started offering it in a box, I'd probably get that but only if it was cheaper. And I would dump it into one of their buckets.
Much prefer the boxes, since one of the internal bags is close to what I need for a typical WC. I will sometimes buy the bucket, but only if it's on a killer deal.
I prefer buckets. Buckets have many uses. What's a trashy bag and a box gone do for you when you need 30,000 empty buckets? You guys will be SOL when the zombie apocalypse happens, and you aint got any water containers or any plastic buckets to make body armor from.

I believe there is no benefit to one or the other... Just personal choice. And size of your biceps.
Because I buy the bucket from my local pet smart and I always buy it when it's on sale for like 30 dollars weather I need it or not
Didn't think about the settling issue although I have heard that. Just ordered another box, it was cheaper than the bucket!
I always order BOX from Drs Foster and Smith cheapest online and free shipping at $49

Unfortunately for me, it's not the cheapest any more. DFS charges taxes now. Being where I am, it's 8.75%. DFS had a 10% off sale recently. With taxes taken into account, it wasn't worth it.