Why can't I keep ricordia???


Hey all,

Just a little frustrated here. I've got 2x96 watt PC (dual daylight and actinic) over a 40 breeder. I keep with great success Discosoma, Singularia , and Sarcophyton. I also have a small Gorgonian frag that's doing ok. Oh, I can't forget my Zoanthids! However, my ric curles up and is withering away?

Any guesses? Just some tough luck?

I really would like to have some of these.

Thanks in advance,
I don't think anything you disclosed is an issue. Any chance you have only had this ric for a very short time?
Thanks for the reply. Yes, it was a new aquisitions. I removed the poor dying ric to the trash yesterday. My skimmer went beserk and I knew it was time to get that out of there. Interestingly, I introduced a Blastomusa at the same time. The Blasto looks just fabulous.

Should I try again?

I would certainly try again, I usually lose one or two out of ten, but the 8 or 9 that survive are worth it. IMO yumas are harder to keep than floridas. Once they get established in your tank though , watch out. They take over.
Absolutely try again. Try slightly lower flow areas and see if they will reach out instead of curling in. This may take 2-3 days but I think you will do fine.

Thanks for the encouragement. I will try again. The ric was curled in a bit when I bought it. I thought it would uncurl after acclimation. I will be more careful next time with my selection.
