Why exactly...


Active member
...would you bump all the PH threads? You can certainly count them, if you wish, without bumping them. But, all you've done now is bury the many threads from the last several days where people were asking for help, discussing issues, etc. The types of threads you seem to want to encourage...?

It has been a while since I visted the zoanthid forumn and was amazed at the popularity of purple hornets...until I realized they were all commented by the same person
Oh yeah. And if you aren't doing anything proactive about anything in here...I suggest you jump in and help...or stop whining. However, It's not going to matter either way to me. I'm going to continue with this project.
Thanks for all your support. *wink*
That was before I asked for suggestions 808.
If you read the thread again you can see I've not commented yet. I haven't decided.
But anyway, please don't add things that aren't there.

And, it's not just in that one thread, there are many references to the disorganization and duplicate posts problems in various areas. Ultimately a good plan with this dupe stuff and the gathering all of that, would help with various things. Cases in point being apparent in the feedback section.
That was before I asked for suggestions 808.
If you read the thread again you can see I've not commented yet. I haven't decided.
But anyway, please don't add things that aren't there.

And, it's not just in that one thread, there are many references to the disorganization and duplicate posts problems in various areas. Ultimately a good plan with this dupe stuff and the gathering all of that, would help with various things. Cases in point being apparent in the feedback section.

I agree with you, but i'm with the rest about coming into this section and seeing what i saw today. Was it really nescessary? You could have just copied the URLs down and PM'd a moderator.

To be honest i was very surprised it was you that did it. I remember you posting in another thread:

This would be the "I'm tired of looking at the word hornet" bump.
Next time I see the words "rare", "hornet, yellow jacket, or anything that sounds like bees...I'm taking a hostage.


Are you going to take yourself hostage now? LOL We all make mistakes, i aint mad at ya. :thumbsup:
Oh yeah. And if you aren't doing anything proactive about anything in here...I suggest you jump in and help...or stop whining.
Should I assume this is directed to me?

Perhaps we just disagree what makes this forum useful? I find threads which contain observations and experiences related to successfully keeping zoanthids to be the most useful. And, I try to occasionally contribute in that fashion as I recently did in this thread.

I don't find incessantly bumping old threads, which (at the risk of sounding more cross than I intend) appears to be the majority of the contributions you make in this forum, to be particularly useful or interesting. Bumping a whole bunch of old "useless" threads, and in the process annoying the "few" people who still come to this forum looking for information, seems to be particularly counterproductive.

If you're determined to make a series of "reference" threads, that's fine. But, it's certainly not necessary to commandeer the entire forum to do that.

I'm not convinced the reference threads are going to achieve what you hope. First, you've shown that while there are tons of old threads about Purple Hornets on this board, readily available to anyone who chooses to search for them, many/most people would rather just post their question than search. I don't think that will change, even with a stickied reference thread.

Second, there's very little information to put in those threads besides pictures. We're grouping zoanthids, of unknown origin, based solely on appearance. There is no rational reason to believe those zoanthids have any unique care requirements in common.


Should I assume this is directed to me?

Perhaps we just disagree what makes this forum useful? I find threads which contain observations and experiences related to successfully keeping zoanthids to be the most useful. And, I try to occasionally contribute in that fashion as I recently did in this thread.

I don't find incessantly bumping old threads, which (at the risk of sounding more cross than I intend) appears to be the majority of the contributions you make in this forum, to be particularly useful or interesting. Bumping a whole bunch of old "useless" threads, and in the process annoying the "few" people who still come to this forum looking for information, seems to be particularly counterproductive.

If you're determined to make a series of "reference" threads, that's fine. But,
it's certainly not necessary to commandeer the entire forum to do that.

I'm not convinced the reference threads are going to achieve what you hope. First, you've shown that while there are tons of old threads about Purple
Hornets on this board, readily available to anyone who chooses to search for them, many/most people would rather just post their question than search. I
don't think that will change, even with a stickied reference thread.

Second, there's very little information to put in those threads besides pictures.
We're grouping zoanthids, of unknown origin, based solely on appearance. There is no rational reason to believe those zoanthids have any unique care requirements in common.

thank you, I can appreciate what your saying. First let me say I apologize for irritating you all. Honestly I didn't think it'd be a big deal. I can see how it can be irritating though.
Yes, I'm not sure what the best route is. Cit's something that needs to be thought through.
I would ask you to remember though that *can't remember users name* started them off. One for AOG and one for Nuclear green. Fat lot of good it did though as none of you on here added anything to them.
I'm anal, OCD, and an enormous geek. I have to try to do this, or help someone else do this, whichever. I HAVE to, lol.
But yeah, check those two reference threads out when you get a chance.
this zoa's forum doesnt have much to offer in the way of learning anymore and hasn't in months IMO. I had a problem with some zoas a few months ago and asked for help. I had to bump it three times to overcome the look at my new zoas/look what i have and you don't threads. gets frustrating. Seems now they need to add a look what I have page with the id page.
No harm done.... now back to the reason we're all here::)
