Correct me if I am wrong, please.
Why can I no longer purchase an optical level sensor?
Why have they been discontinued?
I need three more optical sensors for overflow protection.
The new see through design is unusable and the mechanical float type have a poor reputation for fouling by salt creep regardless of manufacturer. I have no intention of adding level switches to my weekly maintenance schedule. I spend many hours a week maintaining four tanks in one system with over 620 gallons.
I need to control level at the very top of my tanks where the black plastic bracing is. Just how exactly does your see through design work for this application?
Also, what about people that use a black plastic sump tanks. Again the float switches are unreliable and your see through design will not work. This leaves no sensible level control options.
Again, why did you discontinue the optical sensor???
This is my first disappointment from GHL. So far to date I have invested almost $4000 in GHL equipment only to be stopped dead in my tracks by a stupid level sensor availability.
I can understand adding another option for level sensing, that's great, but why remove an option?
I was visiting a UK GHL site today. This site did not even list the newest level sensor. Why is the optical sensor still available there and not in Canada? Has the sensor been discontinued in the US also?
GHL has a reputation as being one of the best and most innovative companies manufacturing advanced aquatic controllers while offering continuous improvement. I am concerned this issue is indeed a step backwards.
Why can I no longer purchase an optical level sensor?
Why have they been discontinued?
I need three more optical sensors for overflow protection.
The new see through design is unusable and the mechanical float type have a poor reputation for fouling by salt creep regardless of manufacturer. I have no intention of adding level switches to my weekly maintenance schedule. I spend many hours a week maintaining four tanks in one system with over 620 gallons.
I need to control level at the very top of my tanks where the black plastic bracing is. Just how exactly does your see through design work for this application?
Also, what about people that use a black plastic sump tanks. Again the float switches are unreliable and your see through design will not work. This leaves no sensible level control options.
Again, why did you discontinue the optical sensor???
This is my first disappointment from GHL. So far to date I have invested almost $4000 in GHL equipment only to be stopped dead in my tracks by a stupid level sensor availability.
I can understand adding another option for level sensing, that's great, but why remove an option?
I was visiting a UK GHL site today. This site did not even list the newest level sensor. Why is the optical sensor still available there and not in Canada? Has the sensor been discontinued in the US also?
GHL has a reputation as being one of the best and most innovative companies manufacturing advanced aquatic controllers while offering continuous improvement. I am concerned this issue is indeed a step backwards.