i had problems with my computer, i coudn't get on it. o.k. i just did my water change. everything bad is at 0. salt at 1.023 all the time. i add all the stuff as usualy, like calcium, which is at 440, stronium, iodine. i hand fed it for the first time few days ago with plancton, usualy i put marine snow in. i have one helide bolb with blue spectram light and the night lights. my tank is 40 gallons. there is a possibility of some type of chimical getting into the tank, i suspect, but not sure. just in case i've been using different sponges and charkol to make sure that if there is something in my water so it would get it out. is there anything out there that helps to heal corals with tissue damege? is it able to recover on its own? today it's still shriveled, the wound in a middle doesn't look as bad as the first day, one of the small wounds closed up and another small one is still there. now where the wound in the middle, the coral's bone is showing next to it.