why profilux over apex


New member
i was quoting a customer some prices the other day and came up with a quick list of why profilux. I was a little surprised really at how much of a value the profilux is. I know i love my 2, but never really gave much thought to them being a great value. but here is my breakdown.

i know i talk about profilux controllers alot. I really like them. I have heard people say "but they are expensive" sure they cost more than an apex but...let me break down that price a bit for you. other that the post i posted yesterday about there quality, and what sets them apart lets just talk about direct price comparison.

profilux 3ex starter set
retail price is 799
package includes
profilux 3 controller
ph probe
temp probe
power bar 6

apex full
retail price 499.95
ph probe
temp probe
display module
energy bar 8

ok now the break down.

if you want to add orp probe
profilux. cost of probe
apex. cost of probe plus pm1 84.95

add salinity
profilux buy probe
apex buy probe plus pm2 84.95

level sensor

profilux add sensors
apex not supported

just a few examples.
aside from build quality.


pc connection (profilux software)
android/iphone app. auto time out. changes are not permanent. you can not turn on a pump by mistake and have it overflow your tank with the app.
intigrated web server. accesss full software any where you have a internet connection

pc connection (apex software)
android/iphone app no timeout. if you turn a pump on by mistake it stays on till you notice it is on
no web server.

user repairable
profilux. all parts are repairable open the unit, and replace modules at dealer cost. us dealers make nothing on damage repair parts its part of the quality guarantee. think of it as lifetime warranted.

apex. must send to apex for repair/replacement

profilux if a new version comes out like upgrade from p2 to p3 user upgradable. just replace main board. no need to buy a whole new unit.

apex when a new version comes out must buy new unit. not upgradable.


profilux. dealers like my self are required to support our profilux customers for the life of there unit. I/we are available from setup to daily operation. its part of the level of support profilux provides. They also have there own forums available 24 hours a day with help from around the world, and the largest global install base of any controller on the market.

apex. after the sale retailer is not required to support the unit, and most just direct customers to apex support forums.

and there are more reasons to go profilux, but i have gone on long enough.
Let me correct 3 items from above.

- ORP Probe on an Apex is just the cost of the probe. You don't need another module if you purchase the $499 Apex Full
- Apex does indeed have a web server, in fact it's the primary means to program/control
- You only need an Apex breakout box to add level control to any Apex system; this add 6 ports for level control.

And before anyone bases me, I realize we are in the GHL forum. As a past Profilux 2 and Profilux 3 user, and now an Apex user I can confirm they are both excellent products. Just wanted to point out a few mistakes from above to ensure a "fair playground" comparing product to product.
Apart from price both units are great, each has there strength and weakness, however, in terms of software the GHL is far behind, there is no comparison .

The ghl power bar is far better as you can read each sockets amp, however on the apex energy bar it only gives you total amps .

Ghl has great level sensors control package , Apex has none , you have to source them yourself.
The biggest selling point of ProfiLux is without doubt reliability, we simply never see warranties, and even if one did go wrong the client can fix it themselves. The pedigree is in the bullet proof German construction.

GHL software is being slowly replaced with the browser based, my personal feeling is that this is more the avenue they will go, but on a side note GHL has always focused more on rock solid hardware than gimmicks and flashy graphs, none of which will save your tank if your system crashed. You will also find with the menu driven programming you dont need a degree in logic to program it, yes it gets some getting used to but once you worked out how it works the rest falls into place.

Then of course you have the amazing level of dedicated GHL made accessories which give you the security that the accessory has been designed to work 100% with the unit, no hot wiring with GHL. GHL has over 200 parts to its list!!!!!

There are reasons why institutes such as the circle of hope in Utah rely on the ProfiLux for their research center. They need lab grade trust and reliability, that alone speaks volumes for the controller.

Its not the cheapest, but also many of the functions you have to purchase with other units are included for free with the GHL.

The ProfiLux has proved time and time again its pedigree, you just dont hear of reliability issues, its a buy once and forget machine and in the first few years will pay you back.
My disgust with apex came when i paid 2600.00 for the pro and ORP add on for 499.00, it didn't work right, the owner of APEX told me to hang it upside down and DIY the unit to make it function, it didn't work ... that was the extent of their customer service... It made me feel like I was working with a person making them in his garage, whether or not this was the case is irrelevant. When I trouble shoot a GHL box I am working with a manufacture.. The disk that came with the unit (apex) scratched and they would not replace it, in fact they wanted me to update it and pay for the update (this would have not corrected the issues I was having). Now this machine.. GHL is complicated sometimes and when I get frustrated programing it, there is an answer for my question, and its normally my user error. I am a large user, not traditional, making the system control other break out boxes, but with GHL I can do it. The real issue for me with (APEX) was Boolean logic, and it only took something like 72 commands, then you have to erase another function. The(apex) build quality was poor, they both should be WATER REGISTRANT! if they can make parts on a car in the 60's water proof... then.... Literature on the Apex was better than the GHL, that said. it takes looking and asking questions about the GHL unit and it is well documented answers, as for a forum (GHL), it would serve the company and client better if the forum was for users, and they had a support ticket. with FAQ and WIKI pined to the top of the forum to speed up the process. ..{apex) ****ing off a client and then giving them poor service is reason I switched, Anyone that makes a product for a niche market now days has to understand that they can't just sell the product and be done with the sale, As both companies use the internet to promote their products, the internet also is a great equalizer, poor built and poor customer service is not rewarded and no longer just limited to going to the Better Business Bureau and hoping for a resolution...Just my two cents.....
Thanks for your input about the GHL support. This is something we have tried many avenues to find a common path and to be honest still working on. One of the biggest headaches is that GHL just keep advancing the software :) making tutorial videos which is my preferred route hard to keep up to date.

I think later in the year you will see some good changes. I will have more time on my hands to get to grips with this, but until then always ask on the GHL forum and if not getting the answer you need drop me an email ;)
One of the biggest headaches is that GHL just keep advancing the software making tutorial videos which is my preferred route hard to keep up to date.

Seriously , advancing what software,? it is way behind Apex.
It us just a reality that this is not Ghls strength . No need to blur the lines.
Well clearly you have not done any updates. Lets see other do what GHL can do with water changes for example without having to use any Boolean logic
The new profilux software combined with the web server, and the mobile app is what betters call a trifecta. It is way better than apex. Maybe not as pretty, but neither is anything German made. Its more about function. And that is where profilux will win every time. The light composer alone is worth the price. On that note. The software is always free.
Actually Apex software is free. good to know competitors products so trues comparisons can be done rather that assumptions.
not sure why anyone would bring it up as most main aquarium controller software is free.

I am not knocking GHL, as GHL does have some better features , but in software department it is lacking. that is fact , on stability it is pretty sound as i never have had a issue with mine.
Profilux BY FAR.
Have had both....GHL by the classic mile!
Free updates, great product and customer service. Def easier than Boolean BS

Free updates,
so who charges for updates?

great product
what does that mean? anecdotal evidence would help people making a decision that just words.

Found this on a UK web site which was helpful ,

Each system has good and bad points
Ghl can read amps on each socket. Apex can't. It reads total of the power bar. With the Ghl you can't get alarms or control via amps.
Apex has much better software,Ghl is average and unlikly to improve. Ghl web software gives you no control and they don't seem to take any feedback on board when requests are asked.
Ghl has a far better level control, optical and standard probes available. Apex has none, you have to source your own.
Ghl gives you no history if past alarms, not sure about Apex.
Ghl can send alarms via sms add on when power is out, Apex can't.
Ghl shows unused probes via sms which is annoying.
So as you can see each unit has strength and weakness. None is a clear winner, but the Apex wins on price

I have to also say that each has its strengths and comes down to what users like. some users don't care about software , but some are techno geeks and like fancy graphs etc.
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Great product = well when the German ministry of technology award a humble aquarium controller more than once the German award for innovation, I think they are in the realms of a great product.

Lets look at other awards in this industry, all pretty much votes of "what name is best known" reference to reef builders awards. But when the government start giving out awards they can be taken quite seriously that you really do have one of the best things out there.
However not to take away the fantastic result of the award. It is a one horse race as not other aquarium controller was in contention. So no competition. If Apex entered then maybe they would also win a award.
The biggest selling point of ProfiLux is without doubt reliability, we simply never see warranties, and even if one did go wrong the client can fix it themselves. The pedigree is in the bullet proof German construction.

GHL software is being slowly replaced with the browser based, my personal feeling is that this is more the avenue they will go, but on a side note GHL has always focused more on rock solid hardware than gimmicks and flashy graphs, none of which will save your tank if your system crashed. You will also find with the menu driven programming you dont need a degree in logic to program it, yes it gets some getting used to but once you worked out how it works the rest falls into place.

Then of course you have the amazing level of dedicated GHL made accessories which give you the security that the accessory has been designed to work 100% with the unit, no hot wiring with GHL. GHL has over 200 parts to its list!!!!!

There are reasons why institutes such as the circle of hope in Utah rely on the ProfiLux for their research center. They need lab grade trust and reliability, that alone speaks volumes for the controller.

Its not the cheapest, but also many of the functions you have to purchase with other units are included for free with the GHL.

The ProfiLux has proved time and time again its pedigree, you just dont hear of reliability issues, its a buy once and forget machine and in the first few years will pay you back.

Michael I have to disagree with your last comment, I have been GHL user with Profilux controller, Standalone dossing units and Mitras LED's.
But unfortunately I was very disappointed with the outcome decision of introducing the Profilux III and only having a limited time to purchase the upgrade for already Profilux EXII users. Thus not allowing the legacy equipment to be compatible with the new tech; especially when GHL had a big sale on Profilux II in USA and Canada knowing that they are pretty much obsolete since GHL has stopped the upgrade program.
Now I'm using a different controller that will allows the capability to still use legacy system and new tech together, thus making this system buy once and forget machine!
