Wierd Zoa question....


New member
Ive had these radio active dragon eyes for a long time, not sure how many years, any way I periodically trim them back so they dont totally take over.

about a year ago, I got some reddish ones with gold lashes, sorry nothing fancy , no popular TM name....strawberryicecreamconestrusel :) they were growing in between the green ones, but now, inbetween the green and the red, they seem to be yellow-ish?
do zoas morph or interbreed? here is a pic taken a few minutes ago, the circled ones are the funky colors. the others have been in the tank years, and nothing like this has shown up till now.

Yes! When two colonies meet they often produce a new morph with a 'random' combination of colours from either of the two colonies. I'm uncertain about how random it really is; i'd like to believe there is some rule to this, like blue eyes or blonde hair in humans. In any case, if you're as interested as I am in the affair, get in there quick and cut those new morphs right out and put em on a rock/plug -before it chooses to side with one of the colonies, or one of the colonies takes over.

I've done this a few times. I'd say more often than not the zoa keeps this new colour and and spreads. It has happened though (just twice, out of 25-30 times) that the zoa colour returned to one of the initial mother colony colours.

Good luck!
Yes! When two colonies meet they often produce a new morph with a 'random' combination of colours from either of the two colonies. I'm uncertain about how random it really is; i'd like to believe there is some rule to this, like blue eyes or blonde hair in humans.

Sounds interesting DD. Can you provide evidence of this? I would like to see some cool photos of these "random" occurrences.
fickle....Im assuming they are babies? Im going to plop them on a plug and move them today, if they stay the same fine, if they go red like the others, thats fine too. I dont have any red ones on the other side of my tank lol