will hairy mushroom eat a fish


New member
I just purchased a green hairy mushroom from someone, and it about 6 or 7 inches round, I read they eat fish, does this happen often or can I feed it to prevent this.
Thank you,
Here's a picture of the mushroom, I believe it's a hairy mushroom

Thank you, it doesn't look so big in the picture because that Tonga branch is pretty big also, but if you look to the right of it that other mushroom is about the size of a half dollar. just to give you an idea how big this mushroom is.

Thanks again
That is an Elephant Ear mushroom, and they can potentially eat fish. But, there are other mushrooms that can, too. I honestly wouldn't worry about it though as any active, healthy fish can typically swim away from it. It's the startled and/or sick ones that typically get eaten.
Yea the first time I saw the picture I didn't think it was a hairy mushroom. It's not "hairy" enough. lol I agree with Travis.

Side note: Travis- you must love those Zealots. lol
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11419137#post11419137 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lance M.
Side note: Travis- you must love those Zealots. lol
Nah, you can't make out what a Hydralisk says ;) And you only hear "For the Overmind" once before you have an explosion in your face :lmao:

Ya, gusto1, you have an Amplexidiscus on your hands. Just give it a quick google search for information abound.
Small perching fish---blennies, gobies, hawkfish---are at risk even when healthy. You cannot keep them and this kind of shroom in the same tank. I had one kill a healthy, very strong 4" long lawnmower blenny. It got four fish before I realized what was happening to them.
I had a Perc. hosting in one of those mushrooms, totally fine till a little juvenile paired up with her. The next day they were both gone. Problly the mushrooms plan all along, ?two fish one stone?.
Hello Steve,
sorry it took me so long to get back, it's just that time of the year. All the mushrooms are doing great, I did have too get rid of the zoa's because my regal angel thought they were a snack for her. I also did get a couple of different mushrooms from fellow reefers on Manhattan reefs, I will try to pm you some pictures after the holidays. by the way hows the protein skimmer doing. also if you want to get rid of any other mushrooms let me know.
