Will it be okay?


New member
Well I got a gorgeous maxima clam from reefermadness. Anyways I have had it in the tank for about 2 weeks. The last 2 days he has been closed up. I wasnt sure why untill yesterday when watching the tank every couple minutes my damn juvenille atlantic blue tang nips at him!
What should I do? Is there anyway to get the tang to stop it, is there anyone who has tried like putting a cage of eggcrate around the clam for a while? Only problem I see with that is he would loose some light from the top.
Also is he going to be okay for a while to see if the tang stops? I mean will he starve if closed up? I dont see any bite marks out of him, but the tang is definantly picking on him.
Thanks guys
No one has any experience or knowledge to share with me? I know there are alot of clam nippers out there in peoples tanks, what do you guys do to try to fix it besides remove the fish or clam? You can train a fish like a dog cant you? =D
If you don't want to move the nipper, some people have used the eggcrate method w/ some success, you could also try maybe trying a different location.