Will It Grow?


Premium Member
My friend gave me some of his macroalgae out of his tank. It looks like C. prolifera. When he took it out of his tank, he just tore it off of his rock, and it doesn't look like it has any kind of root system. I can't find too much info about this stuff, and I know nothing about macroalgae. Shouldn't there be something that anchors this stuff under the sand? Also, if anyone knows and good sites about this stuff that I can read up on, let me know.

In my experience, C. prolifera (and it's common lookalikes) grow very well in strong light conditions with moderate to a lot of nutrients. If you rubber band a piece to a rock or stick a rhizome (the horizontal, ground hugging stem which I may be using an incorrect term for) into the sandbed.

rooting it shouldn't be a problem, given the right
conditions it can grow over an inch a day.

ps, technically it has no roots, just holdfasts.