Will my mushroom survive?


New member
Today i tried to remove my 2 ricordeas from a rock in my tank. they were attached directly so i had to use a knife to pop them off. the first one came off easily and is fine. the second one was much harder and i got 2/3 of it out but a 3 smaller pieces were left behind which i have removed and put into a cup with rubble for them to attach in the tank. They seem a little deflated/limp but have kept their color and are not as slimy. Will the mushroom survive or is it too badly damaged?
I am not the only one, nor the originator of the concept, but I have take a few mushrooms, put them in a mini food processor and chopped them up. Poured mash in bare tank and it was covered in mushrooms a few months later. So yes they can survive-but there is no guarantee!
Chopping them up in a blender may work for discoma. If I am not mistaken though the mouth is pretty important for ricordea and most likely the part with the mouth has a chance of recovering and you'll have to cross your fingers for the other pieces.
Chopping them up in a blender may work for discoma. If I am not mistaken though the mouth is pretty important for ricordea and most likely the part with the mouth has a chance of recovering and you'll have to cross your fingers for the other pieces.

day three and all of the pieces are doing well. they all seemed to have healed significantly and kept great color which is suprising. Now im just waiting for them to attach to the rubble.