will never go without a QT ever again!


New member
i never had a QT available, i took my chances and never had a problem until the other day. my female goldband came down with a bacterial eye infection and didn't know what to do. i went to the lfs and purchased a QT set up for less than a hundred dollars. i treated her with nitrofuracin and.... wow... her eye is already clearing up. everyone on rc has been a lot of help. i am glad that i didn't loose her. thanks rc
Good to hear everything worked out for you. I guess the benefits of having a QT is something that most people need to learn first-hand.
it was well worth the money, and i was one of those people that thought it was crazy to QT a fish. glad that my other fish are all ok and now that i have treated my female goldband, in a few days i can introduce her back to her mate.
Awesome! :thumbsup: They really are one of the very best investments (and cheap too) for the success of our tanks.
now i have a question. i have been treating her for 2 days with the nitrofuracin, all symptoms are gone. i am going to continue to treat for the remaining 5 days, am i doing the correct thing. i know that they told me to put her back when it was gone, i should continue to treat, right?
now i have a question. i have been treating her for 2 days with the nitrofuracin, all symptoms are gone. i am going to continue to treat for the remaining 5 days, am i doing the correct thing? i know that they told me to put her back when it was gone, i should continue to treat, right?
You are doing the right thing. Do the whole treatment as directed.

Once it's 100% cleared up you keep her QT for another 4-6 weeks. To be sure there is no reoccurrence and that she is heathy otherwise.
There is the risk that the clown in the main tank will turn female, cause the two of them to fight when they are reintroduced. It might just be a risk you will have to take to insure her health. :)
How did you setup the QT? Do you have any LR or LS in there?? If not it may actually start to harm your fish if the new tank cycles. Keep an eye on your water.
no, i have nothing inthere except a pvc pipe. i used established water so i can start to treat her right away. i thought in a qt sand and rock are just housing places for ich and other parasites? if i am wrong please correct me.
LR and Sand would probably absorb and keep any medication that you put in QT for a fery long time. For example if you do copper treatment - copper will be in that rock, and you can't put it back in tank.
using 'established water' doesn't prevent a cycle, the bacteria live on the surface of things, tank walls, rocks, sand etc.

when setting up my QT, we put a pile of pvc bits and a HOB filter on the sump of the main tank for a week, then i moved them all into the QT tank, including a bag of carbon that had been in my sump for almost a month.
we thought it was working great, no ammonia for the first two days, but on day 3 the testkit showed ammonia.
so even with seeded items you can still get a cycle, definately test your water.
well i don't show any traces of anything, so i guess i might be in the clear. i will watch it though. i thought that about the ls and lr that's why i didn't use them and i thought you weren't supposed to anyways.
I always keep a sponge or the like in my sump to seed it with bacteria for my QT tanks. I have also used Bio Spira to start up a new QT tank in an emergency. Worked like a charm.