wire setup for my 180gal


im looking for a better way to wire and control and my equipment on my new tank. anyone have any suggestions and or pics to share. im trying to figure something out without using a computer system since the computer is so far from the tank. i would also like to find some way to put all the ballast on timers without using those bulky box plug-in timers.

i have:
3 metal halide ballast
1 vho ballast
refugium ballast
2 fans
ph controller
ca reactor
Aquatronica FTW!

Just get some expansion sockets for the halides and if you've got a chiller so they don't put too much of a load on whatever controller you may or may not end up getting.

If you ever want to check out the Aquatronica controller, you're welcome to swing by my place and see how I've got it all hooked up.
Steve, on topic but off topic, but could you make a expansion socket type box? If so do me a favor and PM me what it would cost :)

Expansion sockets are important to keep the heavy currents off of power switchers that can be damaged by too much heavy currents
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12084275#post12084275 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
Steve, on topic but off topic, but could you make a expansion socket type box? If so do me a favor and PM me what it would cost :)

Expansion sockets are important to keep the heavy currents off of power switchers that can be damaged by too much heavy currents
Yes I can, what you need ? how many outputs?, the best would be to incorporate the PLC with the relays in one box and have the outlets mounted on the box itself. I can make you a simple one for probably $ ? $ ? well you know " I brake for frags :D"
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12085242#post12085242 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rogger Castells
Steve, I would be interested in seeing you "brake" for a frag :D
Roger when you hear the loud break noise outside your house........thats me :D One of this days I will have to visit you :D I may do a "kill 2-birds with one stone" and visit gasman the same day :D
but is there any other way to set this up without reefkeeper or aquacontroller? i don't have $200+ to spend on something like that.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12089504#post12089504 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by derrell
but is there any other way to set this up without reefkeeper or aquacontroller? i don't have $200+ to spend on something like that.
I am working on designing something way cheaper, but theres one that realy chap and works all the time, its called a togle switch :D
Yea the dual timer switches are good, now that they've wrinkled out most of the kinks (anyone remeber the days of "OMG MY EFFIN HOUSE BURNED DOWN BECAUSE OF THIS CORALIFE POWERSTRIP!!OMGZZ!!!," because I do.

Anyway, that's the easiest if you don't need anything complicated being controlled (pH, temp, etc controlling). They're great for just lights and moonlights.
180gal build(need input)

180gal build(need input)


this is what im planning for my new tank. i would like to get some feed back and see if there is anything i should do differently.

background info...
180gal tank standand with corner overflows
dart pump(3600gph)
PSO4 reactor
C reactor
CA reactor
1/4hp chiller
1 tunze in the display

1. is it ok to elevate the sump so i can utilize space and put my ato reservoir underneath?

2. if i choose to use spaflex on the return line, what is the best and most efficient way to connect it to both returns and be able to feed a line to the 2 reactors and the chiller?

3. if i decide to tee off the return at the end in the display and have a total of 4 eductors, will there be a lot of back pressure and if so would there be enough to have a separate line come over the top of the tank in the middle and have another eductor.

4. should i put the ball valve or the union next to the bulkhead on the return line.

any comments are welcome, been doing some research on the matter and it seems it's a matter of preference on a lot of this stuff but i would really like to maximize the gph from the pump as possible.