wonder if anyone will do this but...


New member
I'm curious what the most someone spent on or sold a single polyp for was.

If your uncomfortable obviously don't answer. I'll start with me it was $30.
I feel like that's more than I want to spend on one polyp but it was super nice and I got my money out of it and fragged some off for friends so in my book that's a win.
$20 is the most i've paid for a single polyp. can't imagine ever paying more. suppose i'm more of a mushroom person, i've done 50$ to 80$ for single mushrooms before.
I think back in the day I paid 50 for Bloodshot and the Tyree Spacemonster when it first came out years ago. That was also when I was more of a collector and more concerned bout getting the newest and greatest... Then I woke up.
Any chance you could post a pic of the Zoas as you give the price?

As for myself, I paid $25 for a frag tile with about 30 heads of Red Hornets.

I was always nervous about spending $10 or more for a single head. I always have it in my mind that that one will melt and them I'm beat.
Any chance you could post a pic of the Zoas as you give the price?

As for myself, I paid $25 for a frag tile with about 30 heads of Red Hornets.

I was always nervous about spending $10 or more for a single head. I always have it in my mind that that one will melt and them I'm beat.

That's a good idea. Lol it's funny you say that I have the total opposite mindset. I know they're going to grow like crazy iny tank so I don't mind spending more on a polyp.