Worst Pest you've had to deal with

I’ve got a pistol shrimp at I’ve been trying to catch for months. I’ve dealt with aiptasia, and bubble algae and conquered them, but I can’t catch this damn pistol.
40 gallon?

Just drain the tank. I have a 42g. That's what I do. Water fits in a brute can pretty easily.
Without a doubt bubble algae for me. Had to break down my tank and start over.
Next would be sea spiders making short work of my zoas.
for me when I was new to the hobby I lost a 29-gallon zoa dominated bio cube to zoa eating nudibranch and I almost got out of the hobby because of that.
The worst for me was definitely Aiptasia. Never a guarantee they have all been removed once you have them and the remedies are always hit or miss. When I got back in the hobby the second time I started with all new rock and a strict quarantine and inspection for new stuff going in. I do miss all the critters that come with live rock but it isn't worth getting Aiptasia. I've been trying to add diversity back to the tank little by little such as collonista snails or any other reef safe critter.
ich.... I didn't QT and it bit me hard. lost about 1000 in fish and then I tried a reef safe medication and it smoked about 1400 in sps coral
Fortunately there’s almost always a predator. Majano anemones almost got the best of me a couple of times until I purchased an Asfur Angel. Also ate rogue palys.
What's wrong with it? Just don't like the snapping?
Just found out that I actually have 2 of them. Both are fairly large, 2"-3". They move my zoo garden around, and snap constantly- all night. I haven't lost any fish or inverts, but worry they might be at risk.