would a Purple Pseudochromis be alright in my tank


New member
I have a 120gal with:
a foxface
a false perc clown
a spotted mandarin
and soon a tang

i have read they can be aggressive to fish of similar shape. How aggressive is this fish? Would he pose any problems with my mandarin? Is it sort of a hit or miss thing? Thanks
I have an Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani) which happily shares a tank with a pair of false perculas two Red Striped Cleaner Shrimp and two Peppermint Shrimp. This is a burrowing fish, so to be happy he wants about an inch of substrate to burrow in, as well as caves in the live rock. If his tankmates get too close to his favorite cave, he will chase them out, but that is the most aggressive he has been. I have also kept the Striped Dottyback with many other types of fishes, with no problems at all. I have heard reports of the Strawberry Dottyback actually killing other fish, but I have not kept this species and so cannot personally attest to this.
I have one and I can tell you that anything smaller then him dies from being chased and stressed. He has killed a couple of clowns before but now I have a maroon and he doesn't mess with it. He also killed my mandarin. My wife purchased it for me and I really like the fish but he is mean. Fine with my tangs. I have cleaner shrimp, a pistol shrimp and a coral banded shrimp, he has never messed with these although I know others that have had problems.
yeah, they can be really mean. Plus, they really like to munch on any life that roams around on the rocks, which is a pain if like me, you enjoy the micro life as much as the macro.

You can get a similar looking fish in a royal gramma, and they are much nicer (plus they can swim upside down!).
I doubble on the Royal Gramma, very cool fish. I see mine swim sidways but rarley swim upside down. Oh well still love it
Mine was a total jerk. He even snatched up a peppermint shrimp while it was molting, (while i was watching, and defending the shrimp with a dowel rod. I was playing the zone defense while my GF went to get some food to distract him) he took it the shrimp in a cave and ate his head, while leaving the meat of the shrimp to waste.
I caught him and he went into a 400gal where he became a model citizen, he must have been feelling a little confined.
BTW, like a proud papa, I will use this opportunity to post a pic of my cute little royal gramma. he is 2 inches long, and seems to just love being photographed.

I have one with a Royal Gramma, some clowns, etc., and it's a good community fish. I think they will do best if you have a lot of live rock.
just to confuse the issue. we had a purple pseudochromis, with a clown and a tang. They were fine together. As a matter of fact, our pseudochromis was on the shy side and like to hide in the rocks! I guess you never really know?
I have mine in with my 120 with 3 clowns, 2 tangs, 3 chromis, blenny and 2 gobies and it is a model citizen... But I added it last in a very established tank.

He/she stays out near its cave and leaves everything else alone.

No issues and an extremely beautiful fish. My daughter says it is her second favorite fish in my tank after the lone male clown.

No problems.

Our Orchid Dottyback is the favorite fish in our tank. We call her Violet and she has never bothered anything else in the tank (2 clowns, 1 purple tang, 2 Cardinals, 1 lawnmower blenny, peppermint shrimp, and cleaner shrimp). She does pick up tiny pieces of gravel in her mouth and drops them on blenny's head once in a while.
I also have an orchid dottyback, and think they are much nicer than the strawberry pseudochromis. They are more expensive, but prettier IMO, and a fun fish to watch.
I have the purple psuedochromis, she is a great fish. In a 90g. but she is also the smallest fish in the tank. So no problems there. Just took a pic of her tonight as a matter of fact
i'm pretty sure the strawberry/purple pseudochromis is a devil and should be avoided unless you have considerably larger fish to put him/her in check