Would you trust the “clean cheato” from algae barn?


New member
So I started feeding a more as I recently added some new fish and noticed that a couple of my existing fish were looking a bit thin. But the reason I had been feeding sparingly in the first place was to try to keep algae under control. Not surprisingly, since I started feeding more I've been seeing more algae as well as some cyano start to pop up.

My plan to combat this is to try to get my refugium to be actually functional. Up until now it really hasn't been doing well. I modified my sump a bit to increase it's size and got a better light for it. There is some caulerpa in there that has been doing marginally well (although the new light seems to be helping), but I'd really like to get some cheato established in the fuge.

About a year ago I went through an ich outbreak in my DT that required me to catch all of my fish and treat them and leave the tank fallow to get rid of it. Since I don't want to go through that again I have decided not to put anything that I don't quarantine first into the tank.

I do have some cheato and a few other inverts in a 72 day quarantine, but I'm only 14 days into it and I'd really like to get some cheato started in the fuge now before the cyano and nuisance algae gets a stronger foothold.

I saw that algae barn "˜clean cheato' advertised that is supposed to come from clean tanks so theoretically it doesn't have any diseases or pests. It's also pretty expensive. Would you trust their clean cheato and put it in a tank with no quarantine or do you think I'm better off just waiting for my existing cheato to finish it's quarantine?
I dont put a #$%@ thing in my display tank if it aint been in the QT tank for at least 2 weeks I dont care how "clean" or "Pest Free" someone claims it to be. Why? Cause a ounce of prevention is a lot cheaper than a pound of cure if there even is one. I learned this lesson the hard way a few times over the last 15 years!!!

Stop and think about it...

How much do you have invested in your tank? How much time and money would you be out of pocket if you lost it all and had to start over with a clean slate? Now ask your self is it really worth it?
I'd recommend just getting chaeto from another local reefer. Cheaper (probably free) and sure to be pest free.

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I'd recommend just getting chaeto from another local reefer. Cheaper (probably free) and sure to be pest free.

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Some of my local reefer's tank have as many pests as a Tijuana bordello - sorry guys but we know it's true
Didn't BRS use the clean chaeto when switching the 160 to Triton and it still ended up having pests?

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I've gotten pods and ocean magic (their photo blend) from algae barn and haven't had issues. I admit that I do run the pods through a sieve and rinse them before they go in my tank so I'd qt the chato anyway tho I'd think there's a decent chance it's pest free.

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You should QT everything... With that being said I have spoke to the people at algae barn several times over the years. They don't have any fish in the systems they grow algae or amphipods in. Also if you don't QT chaeto for 72 days its a waste of your time and I venture to say everyone that commented here doesn't QT for that long, especially a clump of chaeto that cost $10
Didn't BRS use the clean chaeto when switching the 160 to Triton and it still ended up having pests?

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No I believe they said they used chaeto from another system they have and then said that they SHOULD HAVE used clean chaeto from algae barn
I’d recommend just getting chaeto from another local reefer. Cheaper (probably free) and sure to be pest free.

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:thumbdown how many help threads about aiptasia, bubble algae, monti eating nudis, and acro eating flatworms do you think you’ve seen on this board and on other boards around the net. You’d dip a coral before putting it in your tank wouldn’t you?? Why? Because you don’t know what’s living in the previous tank

And it’s not that expensive. $15 for a golf ball size. Yes that’s small but it’ll grow fast, you don’t need 2lbs of it
No I believe they said they used chaeto from another system they have and then said that they SHOULD HAVE used clean chaeto from algae barn


I had the same issue. Grabbed chaeto from a local reefer, ended up with aiptasia in my 3 year ex-pest free system. :headwalls:
Agree with most of the above about qt EVERYTHING that goes into your tank.
however Keep in mind that regardless of how long you quarantine, unfortunately you will not eradicate all parasites 100%. You will take care of ich, brook, velvet, flukes, ect... but sadly uronema can still linger. Thats one nasty bug that does not need a host to survive and can live via photosynthesis.

I had the same issue. Grabbed chaeto from a local reefer, ended up with aiptasia in my 3 year ex-pest free system. :headwalls:

It's not a great look for them to have that happen to a tank they used to show people the correct way to set up and maintain a tank (52 weeks of reefing).

HOWEVER! Their transparency with their viewers gets a lot of respect from me. Not only could they have hid these things but they went out of their way to show us.

It'll make me trust their recommendations in the future a lot more
Most LFS i see dont really QT any fish, i know because i been there when the fish comes in n yes they acclimate them n thats about it, goes into the the tank to be sold.
I venture to say everyone that commented here doesn't QT for that long, especially a clump of chaeto that cost $10

I do, I have a RSM 130D in the entry way of the house that is used for inverts and coral. Has a masterflex calcium reactor, ATO, LED fixture, and a MP40wes.

I've been "QTing" the current batch of corals for close to a year :lol:
