Wow..we have 17 members viewing our club

okay we are back up again...15 members and 9 guests....three more and we set a high mark....hello everyone....We are having a frag swap October 1st..hope you can make it....maybe this will title will lure a couple more and set a new record...
Thanks for the link! I will probably give it a whirl... I have been a member of the Atlanta ReefClub and the Atlanta Southeastern Marine Aquarium Society in the past when I lived in Georgia. That was a good expirience, particularly the latter in the early days!
Sounds good. Try to make it to the frag swap here in a couple of weeks if you can. You can ask for Bill or Marty as they are a club officers.

Name? Tell us about your tanks. My name is Kerry.
My name Mike. I currently have a 185 reef, going mostly SPS. I had a nasty bout with dinos when I set it up last year so I havent done much while taking care of the problem. Lost most of my coral so Im now starting to stock again.