wow what a weekend.


New member
hey all
some of you made it to the event the something fishy had on fri night it was a great event and i'm dyeing to get my hand in my tank.i have a fungia(plate coral)that's getting fragged soon might have to buy one of those wet tile saws(who am i kidding it's when i get 1)
and for some info that discourged me in the past anthony assured that it's actully better to frag smaller heads of frogspawns torches hammers...because the heads keep dying and growing back because they have to fight for light.

and just because i have to say this i did win something in there raffle even with just 1 ticket. but zooqi was a bigger winner.

and then we went to ny for the weekend sat was shopping in manhattin and sun was nercII wow great aquarium.i was a little dissapointed that there were only 4 vendors there so this turned out to be like a ncpars swap. with more speakers so i got more good info there.
man if you would have seen the beutiful red carpet anomone but i wasn't paying there price.(maybe anthony would have fragged it)
oh and guess what another raffle. i put in $60 and came home with about $325 worth of prizes(my guess) i won a 3/4 sea swirl, a small pump an icecap moonlight a heater and a frag

alll in all a great time, other then getting lost and going out of the way