OK I figured it was time for a Major update to this thread. The tank is Officially 6 months of from the time the coral went in and there have been several changes/additions to livestock and Maintenance. This is a long update but figured it was well worth the update. I have a buch of very nice pictures in this one as well since I was able to use a Canon XSi DSLR for the shots this time. Enjoy!!
180G Tank
2x 1" Returns and 2x 1.5" Drains
4 way Closed Loop with Refflo Dart Pump
GenX 150 Return Pump
2 x Resun Controllable Powerheads (500 - 3000gph)
2 x Seio 1100 on Seio Controller
3x Radium 400 Metal Halide
4x 54W T5 Actinics (2x 420mn and 2x 460nm)
Mag 9.5 (for feeding UV and Chiller)
Gamma 40W UV
1/4 HP Current Eco Cooler Chiller
H&S 200 Ca Reactor
Deltec KM500 Kalkstirrer
Sanders 200mg Ozone Generator
Pinpoint Ozone and PH Controllers
LifeReef VS3 72" Skimmer w/Blueline 70 Feed pump and Mag 18 Recirc
Maristat Peristaltic Pump for Top Off and Kalkstirrer feed
Medical Dosing Pump for dripping Magnesium Supplementation
Kent Maxima Hi-S Deluxe RODI 75G/Day with 2x 37G Holding Vats
40G in-line water change tank
75G Sump/Refugium
160Lbs Pucanni Live Rock
120Lbs Reef Grade Aragonite Sand in Display
60Lbs Reef Grad Aragonite Sand in Refugium
Trio of Green Chromis
Pair of Lyretail Anthias
Mated Pair of Banggai Cardinals
Mated Pair of Black Ocellaris Clowns
Powder Brown Tang
Sailfin Tang
Palani Tang
Fuzzy Dwarf Lion Fish
Lemon Dansel
Cherub Angel
Black Cap Basslet
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Starry Blennine
Diamond Gobie
Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasse
Mated Pair Coral Banded Shrimp
12x Peppermint Shrinp
Globe Urchin
8x Emerald Crabs
Various Hermit Crabs
Various Snails
Palmers Blue Millipora
Original Oregon Tort
Tyree Sunset Montipora (From Copps)
Pokerstar Montipora (From Copps)
Original Superman Danae Montipora (From Copps)
Setosa Montipora
Oranji Montipora
Purple Haze Montipora
Alien Eye Watermelon Chalice
Chicago Watermelon Chalice
Baby Blue w/ Pink Eyes Chalice
Alien Eye Chalice
Purple Monster
Green Slimer Stag
Blue Tip Stag
Teal with Blue Tips Losetti
Cali Tort
ORA Roscoes
Blue Tenuis
ORA Chips Acro
ATL Grafted Simplex
30,000 Leagues Lokani
ORA Red Planet Table
ORA Phils Granulosa
Rainbow Poccillapora
Pink Poccillapora
ORA Green Stylophora
Tyree Rainbow Stylophora
Magenta Stylophora
Tubs Birdsnest
Pink Birdnest
Green Hycinthas Table
Pink w/ Blue Tip Hycinthas Table
Red Cytheria Table
Boston Bean, Purple, Orange, Pink, Blue, and ROAB Digitatas
Montipora Spumosa
Appleberry Pawenensis Montipora
True Suharsoni
Scripps Millipora
Pink Bubblegum Millipora
Teal Millipora
Blue Millipora
Neon Green Millipora
Neon Green Hydnophora
Yellow Horrida
Stylocenella Armata
Cyphastrea Japonica
Teal Gomezi
Baby Blue Acropora Exquisita
Flower Petal Montipora Capricornis
Acropora Speciosa
Richmond Tri-Color Valida
Micromussa Akamusis
Red Kiss Micromussa
Lord Howe Rainbow Acan
Lord Howe Purple and Green Acan
Lord Howe Red and Pink Acan
Lord Howe Red and White Acan
Lord Howe Red and Grey Acan
Red with Green Center Wells Brain (Trachyphilia)
Neon Green Candy Cane Coral
Green with Blue Polyps Turbinaria
Dragon Soul Favia
Reverse Prism Favia
Christmas Favia
Tonga Bullseye Mushroom
Rainbow Florida Ricordias
Rose Yuma Ricordia
Neon Green Hammer Coral
Orange Hammer Coral
Pink Tip Frogspawn Coral
Fiji Yellow Sarcophyton Leather
Long Polyp Toadstool Leather
Pink Finger Leather
Green Finger Leather
Laker Scroll Coral
Zoanthids and Palythoas
Purple Death
Nuclear Green
Whammin Watermelon
Red People Eaters
Chameleon People Eaters
Desert Foxes
Armor of God
Devils Armor
Orange Delights
Bam Bam Orange
Pink Panthers
Lord of the Rings
Cats Eyes
Candy Apple Pinks
Lunar Eclipse
Tubbs Blues
Radioactive Dragon Eyes
Dragon Eyes
Reverse Gorrilla Nipples
Blow Pop
Green Bay Packers
Several others not named or I have forgotten
Maintenance and Parameters
Salinity = 1.026
PH = 8.0 - 8.3
NH4 = 0
NO3 = 0
NO2 = 0
PO4 = .01
Mg = 1480 - 1550
DKh = 8.5 - 10
Ca = 400 - 450
Maintenance consists of a 35 gallon water change weekly
Addition of Prodibio BioDigest every 14 days
47ml of Seachem Fuel every 5 days
Cleaning Skimmer cup every 3 days and emptying waste collector weekly
6 ml Daily dose of 80 proof Vodka
8ppm of Vitamin C per day
Feeding twice a day with mixture of various frozen foods (mysis, brine, clams, squid, algae, bloodworms, cyclopeze, Nutrimar Ova, Mega Marine, Mega Marine Angel, Garlic Guard and Zoecon)
Feed OysterFeast 2x a week
11 Drops of Lugols Iodide weekly
94 ml Mg daily through dosing pump
And finally the pictures