Since I don't have enough posts I can't access the other "sale/trade" forum. If anyone happens to see a WXM listed, would you let me know? Thanks
Since I don't have enough posts I can't access the other "sale/trade" forum. If anyone happens to see a WXM listed, would you let me know? Thanks
I can never find this fourm, is it on reef Central?

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I believe it is, but I was told that you need like 50 posts before you can access it. I don't know exactly where it is though. It's like secret squirrel stuff, ha!
They come up now and again but tend to sell quick. I've been looking but just broke down and ordered a new one today.
ClownMan727, do you know if the requirement to access your link is to have 50 posts?

Chizer, I figured it would be difficult, I've been looking for a while too. I don't have water in the tank, so I'll try for a little while longer. Worst case, I buck up and buy a new one like you did.