WTB catalina goby blotched anthias

Blotched I saw at exotic aquatic, decent sized one... beautiful!

Catalinas are at Barrier reef in Boca Raton usually.
I would get the captive bred Catalina's from divers den. They have a 3 or 4 lot on there now. They are better for warmer conditions.
I was just going to mention that the Catalina gobies really need colder temperatures, much colder than suitable for reef. They are so cool though!
I was just going to mention that the Catalina gobies really need colder temperatures, much colder than suitable for reef. They are so cool though!
They have two types one that's for cold water 75 degrees the other is normal temp of 77 78 the cold water Catalina looks nicer
I know Rob at Exotic Aquatic gets them in every once in a while. I've never seen them at any other lfs.
Blotched I saw at exotic aquatic, decent sized one... beautiful!

Catalinas are at Barrier reef in Boca Raton usually.

Got the blotched at Exotic Thx. Holding out on the catalina because of the need of cold water.

Your right it is a nice size and nice. Have him in a qt for now. Thx again