That is an awesome looking set upTake a look at my build thread and you will see what I have as a chiller. It is superb and efficient. It all depends on your setup and your surroundings.
The chiller will have to be in my living room which is where the tank is located. I don't have the luxury of having the chiller in a fish room or garage, so it needs to be very quiet and not to hard on the eyes.
No I don't live alone why? My tank will be FOWLR and the temp right now is registering 81.7 I'm running 2 72" reefbrite LED's and have 4 magnum 8 powerheads. I would prefer not to have a chiller are there any other alternatives. Thanks for your helpA large chiller in the living room may be a bit far from quiet? Do you live alone? You haven't mentioned what you want to keep in your system? Is it fish only? Maybe some softies and polyps? Are you addicted to sps? These will help determine what temp range you need to reach (that's a whole different long discussion). What temp are you at without a chiller? Does it get above let's say 80 degrees? The difference between where your at and where you want to be will give you a better idea of how hard you need to chill or how big a chiller you can get away with. What type of lights are u running? Are they halides or LEDs?
Think this one out as running a monster chiller in the house without some type of noise reduction system and a way to deal with the hot air it puts out. Just for reference. I run a 1/2 hp outside and it keeps my 250 gal system at 77-79 degrees. I use heavy heat producing metal halides and love sps. If I could live with just LEDs and fewer sps a chiller might not be needed and 80-81 degrees would work for me. So think about your systems needs and constraints and target in on a compromise that works.
Thanks for the adviceA slight reference in only 1 answer above but needs to be addressed :
Chillers exhaust a significant amount of heat, you will NOT be happy about that.
Unless it can be put outside or @ least vented I would go another way.