WTB Marshall Island Rock

Hi All-I know this might be a bit tough to find, but I was looking to see if anyone has any leftover Marshall Island Rock they're not using that they'd like to sell. I saw a post on this forum of some that was for sale more than 10 years ago, and I really like the shape of it. Particularly the one attached here. I own a couple of pieces myself and would like to do a small tank with just Marshall at the off chance I can find it. Feel free to text me at (760) 409-5299 or message here. Thanks for your time and stay safe!


  • Marshall Live Rock-Beautiful.jpg
    Marshall Live Rock-Beautiful.jpg
    70.2 KB · Views: 3
Your picture looks more like Pukani.
Marshall is more bulbous.
Marshall rock import stopped over 15 years ago.
2 diffrent importers, one focused on clams and other on booze as I remember when I had my store.
Im stiing on a ton still... from better days of past- :(
It was the most expensive and the best looking.
I'm so glad I kept all my rock in the garage for the 10+yrs hiatus I took from the hobby. Marshall island rock is the most beautiful Ive seen.

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Your picture looks more like Pukani.
Marshall is more bulbous.
Marshall rock import stopped over 15 years ago.
2 diffrent importers, one focused on clams and other on booze as I remember when I had my store.
Im stiing on a ton still... from better days of past- :(
It was the most expensive and the best looking.

Hi There-I agree with you on the Pukani thoughts, but I actually pulled the photo from an old post here from member "818" who says it's Marshall. I'll attach it below. As you've been "sitting on a ton still" does that mean you have some for sale? :D
