WTB: Rimless Tank - Considering Any Size Glass RR - 90g or Smaller

El Jefe9830

Premium Member
Hey guys, like the title says, I am looking for a Rimless tank glass.

I would prefer one with a stand, but isn't completely necessary. This will be a display tank, so must be in good shape. I would like it to be Reef Ready with overflow. Cubes, Long, Tall, etc. will all be considered.

Let me know if you have anything: corkurz@hotmail.com or 505-401-5089 Text/Call.

Not an offer and pricey, but I love my Elos. Super slick and very well made. Arguably, you can do better on the sump side, but the tank and stand are awesome. Jesse can have them shipped to you should you decide to go that route.
Not an offer and pricey, but I love my Elos. Super slick and very well made. Arguably, you can do better on the sump side, but the tank and stand are awesome. Jesse can have them shipped to you should you decide to go that route.

Thanks, I want to build the sump tank myself which is what I did with my 300g tank, and I loved it. So really just looking for a good display tank and stand. I can build a stand if a tank doesn't come with one, but would be easier to get tank and stand together.

Do you have any pics of your Elos?
How much did that run you? If you don't want to say here, can you PM me it?

I am seriously looking at a tank like that, so if you don't mind sharing, I would appreciate it.

I don't know who Jesse is either, sorry.
Sorry, Jesse is the US distributor of ELOS. He is located in NorCal (was about 10 miles away from me before I moved here)

All prices are here.
Again, expensive, but I haven't see it's quality matched. I'm a wee bit far from you to let you see my tank but it's possible that there are other Elos owners in the ABQ area who might be willing to let you see theirs.

Elos has a forum here on RC if you feel like browsing.

FYI, Elos is made and shipped from Italy, so there might be a wait when/if you order. They have a decent sized warehouse of goods, but never know for the tank you want.
Yeah, those are nice tanks, but probably out of my price range. We will see though, I might splurge, but I kinda doubt it.
Well if you are willing to drive to El Paso, one of our local stores has a shallow rimless 55g with stand. It is very nice.

I might be for the right price. Do you know the pricing? Any chance of pics?

If you have a store name or phone number, I could call them too. LOL
that would be the coral reef. you can go to STARS Forum and check out our Local store Sticky and it has all of the stores info. I cant give it to you directly because that would be advertising. Give them a call and ask them about their rimless tank
I've been watching CL pretty close, and didn't see any Reef Ready tanks that were 90g or smaller. I need an overflow, so regular tanks are no good for me.

Thanks for watching out though, much appreciated.
I've been watching CL pretty close, and didn't see any Reef Ready tanks that were 90g or smaller. I need an overflow, so regular tanks are no good for me.

Thanks for watching out though, much appreciated.
why? i use the HOB overflow just fine. though i would like a RR but my next will definitely get one of those
you can get a regular one and drill it and put in a bulkhead

That is an option. However, I have seen a couple glass tanks break when drilled, and that is money down the drain. I also would like a nice clean looking overflow.

I am trying to buy used to save some money, but I don't know if it will happen.
you have to be very careless to break a glass tank when drilling ...It is very easy to drill one this should not be a limiting factor when thinking of a new setup..If you did it you would be able to make a coast to coast with a bean style overflow which is much better than a std overflow
People can easily break a glass tank when drilling if they don't know to use a lot of water and that you "grind" with little pressure. Bean style overflow?