WTB: Rimless Tank - Considering Any Size Glass RR - 90g or Smaller

I've been watching CL pretty close, and didn't see any Reef Ready tanks that were 90g or smaller. I need an overflow, so regular tanks are no good for me.

Thanks for watching out though, much appreciated.

I build rimless and other glass aquariums for the locals and el paso as well. Starphire and overflows are an option as well. I usually stay pretty competitive with glass cages pricing but my silicone is much prettier plus i offer a better warranty. Thanks

Steffen Sparks
you have to be very careless to break a glass tank when drilling ...It is very easy to drill one this should not be a limiting factor when thinking of a new setup..If you did it you would be able to make a coast to coast with a bean style overflow which is much better than a std overflow

Bean Style overflow looks cool. I have never seen or even heard of that before. Checked it out online.

I have never drilled a tank, but have had friends break theirs. It sucks. When I got my sumps drilled for my 300g, Jason at Emperor's Oceans (back when he was around) did it for me, and he did a great job. I was really happy with it.
This is one of the rimless that i did. It is 100 gallon wide 72x24x12 with the bottom euro bracing and center overflow.

This one is a 90 gallon Tall Starphire! 48x16x24
A recondition 150 gallon with a new front panel, center and euro braced for support also drilled for the overflow. 48x24x31


Recondition old 125. Dont leave tanks outside in the sun! lol 72x20x24

Custom made refuge for a 90 gallon tall since space was limited. 32x12x16

Custom L shape refuge for a 92 gallon corner tank. 24x24x16
Here is some of the overflow boxes that i make and install. There is of course several ways to do this.


I would like teeth too, and why not a full top to bottom overflow like a lot of tanks do?

I have never seen small overflows like your first picture, but then again, I have only had a different tanks in my life time.
Any reason for toothless?

Cutting teeth into glass takes too long. But i do have an option of installing the acrylic around it. The reason i dont use acyclic is because it does not bond well to the silicone. I have not had any curious fish yet but i know of a few people that have. I also think the glass overflow box has a more clean factory look it as well.

Steffen Sparks
I would like teeth too, and why not a full top to bottom overflow like a lot of tanks do?

I have never seen small overflows like your first picture, but then again, I have only had a different tanks in my life time.

The small overflow works quite well and is quite while not taking up any space. The big one with 2 1in bulkheads flows up too 1200gph while the smaller overflow just does 600gph. Also a lot of your factory tanks can not be drilled on the bottom since they are temperate glass. Thanks

Steffen Sparks
just outta curiosity on these rimless glass tanks isnt there a problem with the pressure of it breaking apart as there is no structure to hold its shape? and a side note curious on the price of a 150g or so with the dimensions of say 48x36x30 or roughly there in?
just outta curiosity on these rimless glass tanks isnt there a problem with the pressure of it breaking apart as there is no structure to hold its shape? and a side note curious on the price of a 150g or so with the dimensions of say 48x36x30 or roughly there in?

Rimless tanks should have thicker glass and greater silicone surface area. I think my Elos 70 has 3/8" glass and is eurobraced on the bottom. If this was a standard tank, it would probably 1/4" (usually 6mm iirc).
makes sense though never seen euro-braced anyone got any pics of that. still unsure about the silicone as the tensile strength aint that high sand stays the same no matter how much ya use
Eurobrace top

Eurobraced bottom (the black is another layer)

I can't speak for anyone else, but I've never heard of an elos seam blowing. Same with ADA garden cubes.
just outta curiosity on these rimless glass tanks isnt there a problem with the pressure of it breaking apart as there is no structure to hold its shape? and a side note curious on the price of a 150g or so with the dimensions of say 48x36x30 or roughly there in?

Those dimensions you gave me are of a 225 gallon. If you would like a quote please send me a PM on what exactly what you will like and i will shoot you a quote. Thanks

Steffen Sparks
Pretty clean tanks puffin still getting the glass from GC and assembling yourself??
I am pretty curious why you aren't making teeth ...The silicone used to build your tank is more than enough to adhere the acrylic to the glass...although the bond isn't ever going to be as strong as glass to glass it is pretty strong ( i made two within the last two months) and by using either a router or table saw one can make it look really clean..just looked at some pricing and similar sizing online is around $700 for 48x36x30 w/o options..
ntvpr..most rimless tanks are euro braced on bottom (looks like puffin does it too)
like Gomer stated the material thickness increases due to no top support so there will be minimal or no deflection from pressure..If it was acrylic (which flexes/deflects) it would have to have top perimeter bracing or even thicker material due to its tendency to bend ..You have to think that the silicone used to make glass tanks is an adhesive not a sealant..it has way more strength than your normal stuff at HD or lowes...ironically it is still pretty cheap like $10 for a caulk gun size..