Xanthid crab eviction??


New member
Well, I woke up yesterday morning to find a partial crab molt in my tank. Inititally I thought it was my emerald mithrax crab, but neither the carapace nor claw were the same shape and size, not to mention he obviously hadn't molted. Looked at Melev's site and it looks very much like the xanthid crab. I'm not sure I really want this guy in my tank at the moment, so what might be the best way to flush him out?

Tank info: 29g, running ~6weeks w/ LR and cleaner crew.

Thanks! Suzi
You could try a trap. A plastic soda bottle with the top cut off and inverted might work. Bait with some fish food, and hope for the best. Other than that, you could try fishing at night. Worked for me once.
Kinda dumb question... If it's inverted, does the open end need to be buried in the sand bed?
No, you want the neck of the bottle pointing down towards the bottom of the bottle after reassembly. The idea is that the animal walks in, but can't find its way back out so easily.