Thanks guys!
Its been over a month of using the aquaforest system.
I must say, it really works for me.
Cyano noticeably lesser, rocks noticeably cleaner. Noticeably water clarity improves. Noticeably lightening in coloration, Noticeably growth rate, Noticeably color improvement!
Nuff said, let the picture do the talking!
Side tank shot
Millie land!
Aussie purple stag
Red dragon
Look at these growth spurt!
Pink hyacinthus is being placed at near sandbed due to being too big and has no space for it to plate it out.
Lokani coloring nicely. More and more purple & blue.
Did i also mention, the cup that came with aquaforest probiotic reef salt is sexy as well?
makes salt mixing life much easier and less hassle!