recently added 2 yellow clown gobies/golden coral gobies to my 55 gal AGA. They perch on most of the coral in the tank, including the zenia and the ricordea. the only corals that have responded negatively are a salmon mille and a purple acro. They don't extend their polyps much at all now, but haven't bleached, RTN'd or anything like that. The fish occasionally perch on the hydno or monti, but they appear unaffected.
I do see them nibble at the mille, I have heard they require the slime for their diet.
My question is, will these corals continue to thrive or should I get rid of these 2 gobies? Will the corals just tolerate their presence?
I do see them nibble at the mille, I have heard they require the slime for their diet.
My question is, will these corals continue to thrive or should I get rid of these 2 gobies? Will the corals just tolerate their presence?