yellow feather duster any clue?


Active member
ok guy i know took down his tank and gave all his stuff to my coworker. my co worker got all the drygoods and gave me all the livestock

one of them is a soft tubed feather duster that has two 1.5 inch christmasstree worm looking things coming out of it that are bright yellow!!!

any clue where he found these! i havent tlaked to him in a while and doubt he rembmers but i want more!!! i know he shopped at barrierreef in boca and in reefs edge but never saw these at barrier and i can never make it down to reefs edge :(

so any ideas?
no way. never seen those there and i hit them once a month

ill post a pict later

i have seen colored 'single tier' feather dusters at big als but these have like two heads that spiral and come to a point


took these a few days to come out.. moved the light and they closed and arnt coming out again so it may be a few days for a pcit