Yellow Pepper Mantis


Premium Member
The LFS recently recieved what they call a Yellow Pepper Mantis.
He is truly lemon yellow, lots of personality, and incredibly beautiful. Im just curious if anyone has seen such a mantis, and if you have any idea what one of these little guys would sell for. Im currently finishing off a mantis habitat and I just cant help but want to buy him. The LFS however wants 70 bucks for him =(

Oh, and Im the new guy to your mantis board here (have had reefs forever) and I just love it. Thanks for addicting me!!!

I've never heard of a "lemon pepper mantis". Sounds like someone has an active imagination - or good marketing skills. The most common yellow mantis shrimp is the occasional yellow moprh of Pseudosquilla ciliata. These animals will change color and there is a good chance that after a molt or two you will no longer have a yellow mantis. P. ciliata generally go for $10-20. There are other yellow species - usually a burrowing lysiosquillid, but without seeing it, I can't make an ID.
