Yellow Spaghetti propagation help?

Get a sharp pair of scissors and make one clean fast cut at the part of the coral you want to propagate. Then what I do is get a piece of rock, some netting, and a ruberband.

Take the piece of coral you just cut, place it on the rock, place the netting loosly ove the coral. So when the coral opens it has room to do so.
Rubberband the edges of the netting down.
Or you could just put a toothpick thru the base of the coral and stick it into the rock where it will stay.
Then place the coral in low flow, andit will attach in a couple of days.
First and foremost - I have had problems with frags that are too small. You need to realize that a leather is full of water; once you take it out of the tank, it will shrivel up to about 1/2 its size to sometimes even smaller. When you cut it, water (and I'm sure some other stuff) will ooze everywhere. Just make sure you get a piece that is big enough for you to handle; you're going to have to put a needle all the way through it.

First, get a clean area, and some kind of container that will hold water; I use a cake pan alot of times, but sometimes a simple paper plate works good. Next, select a nice piece of rock to mount your frag to. Take it out of the tank and dry it with a paper towel on the side you want to mount your new frag. Then get you some fishing line and a needle; I use the smallest line I can find, like 5-10lb test. Take the line and thread it through the head of the needle. I usually try to have two needles threaded and ready; makes it quicker.

Now, cut the piece you want to frag with either a clean, sharp pair of scissors, or a razor blade. Now, pierce the base of the leather frag with the needle and continue until you're all the way through to the other side. Take the line out of the needle eye, then tie it the newly threaded coral to a piece of rock with the freshly cut end pulled to the rock. Do this again, 90 degrees and a little higher/lower than the first hole. Wait about 2 weeks and you can then cut the line. I normally don't pull it out until a few weeks later just to make sure I don't tug too hard and rip the coral from the rock.

After the leather is attached to the rock and you've removed the line, you can get a two part epoxy stick and glue the rock that your leather is on to a spot that you want the leather at in your aquarium. You don't have to buy the epoxy stick sold by your lfs; the stuff I use is sold at Lowe's for a fraction of the cost and works just as good (AAMOF, it's the same stuff, just a different color).
