Yellow Tang & Blue Hippo Tang together?

I partially disagree. I bought a tiny sailfin tang once about 12 years ago and would never do it again because education and maturity happened. I remember vaguely knowing it would get big, thinking well I'll upgrade later and having not even a slight idea of the fish's swimming needs. I had no thought as to how this big fish would get along with smaller tank mates.

I did feel a little guilty somewhere deep down, but ignoring that was easier to do because I really didn't have a full understanding of the factors involved. If someone had smacked me in the face with the facts, I never would have bought that fish.

But you're right some people just won't ever understand or don't care at all. But I think there are plenty who really care but just need to be educated.
It's no different than someone tying a dog to a tree or leaving them in a crate 8 hours while their at work. Is it right? Nope. But it's their pet, so what can you/I really do?

People will always tie dogs to trees, people will always put big fish in little tanks. I think 90% of people know that a specific tang will get too big for their tank; they just don't care.

Nothing anybody says will change their mind.

This is way different than someone putting their dog in a crate for 8 hours. Once you get home, you let the dog out for the other 16 hours of the day. I don't think anyone puts their tang in a larger tank for 16 hours a day.
No, it's the same for the point he was making. He was saying you can't tell people they are being cruel to their pets - he wasn't saying a dog on chain = a tang in a 40g.
I added a yellow belly hippo in my 180. I already had 2 hippos in the tank all about 4 inches. They got along well for 2 weeks. Now the original 2 are chasing and nip the new one. Any suggestions?
I used to have a Yellow, Hippo & Purple all very happy together in a 180 gallon tank. As others have said hippos can get big, ~ 1 foot kind of big. You'll want a tank of the 72" variety for this fish.

Or... like most of us... you'll just buy the fish anyway and buy a bigger tank for it when it grows. You deny it now... but I can't wait for the pics :P