Yellow tang bullying new anthias


New member
Just added 2 lyre tails anthias and almost immediately, my yellow tang started chasing them. Is this normal and will it pass? My tank is about 110 gallons and well established...
Tangs are territorial. Get him out, let the others settle, move some of your rockwork to change the landscape, and then put him back in about a week later.
often times I will put the whole tank in "neutral" by making all current inhabitants a tad bit uneasy by putting reef tools into the tank like my extended grabbers, my long shift scraper and my coral grabber and a net and all the bullies with be "scared " for themselves and less likely to get focused on newbie. Works everytime.
often times I will put the whole tank in "neutral" by making all current inhabitants a tad bit uneasy by putting reef tools into the tank like my extended grabbers, my long shift scraper and my coral grabber and a net and all the bullies with be "scared " for themselves and less likely to get focused on newbie. Works everytime.

This is a nice tip that I hadn't thought of myself but I can see how it would work well. Thanks for sharing, I'll definitely give it a shot at some point in the future.
Not sure if this is possible for you, but I had noticed if you turn off all the lights the fish tend to be a lot calmer -- including a Tang will retreat to "his home".

I don't know how specifically fish "see" -- but all the lights turned-off makes them all swim slower and retreat to where they like to stay. Since Anteas free-water swimmers, they are probably spooking him with all their movement.

Yellow Tangs are extremely territorial. He is just defending his "turf".
It happened with my coral beauty as well. Not sure why my Yellow Tang was chasing after him but after 2 day's everything was good between them.