yellow tang

i have a 54 gallon corner tank and want to get a yellow tang, i have lots olf lr and ls and was wondering how easy they are to keep...
A 54 corner tank really isn't large enough to keep a yellow tang but, yea they are pretty easy to take care of.
hmm, i herd that other tangs it would be a bad idea but yellow's will do ok as long as you have a 50 gallon or greater with lots of rock....
Where did you read that? Its not about gallon size when picking a tang, the thing that counts the most is if the tank is 4 foot long or not. If its not 4 foot long then that wouldn't make a good tank for any tang.
No Prob, also I want to point out that the lots of rock thing doesn't count either. If you had a large tank then you would less rock so he had more swimming room. Just pointing that out also.