You knew it was risky, Jay... now HELP!


Old School Reefer
A couple weeks ago I got a BTA, ordered what I thought was a small (3 inch) one... knowing that they could possibly do damage to my coral if it were to become very active, moving around the tank... but I wanted to try. For 10 days it has stayed hidden in a small crevice in the rock... I figured it was bigger than 3 inches... but when I got home today..... Jeeeessssuuuussss... it's huge today! Opened up at least 7 inches in diameter! And he's heading for my Caulestra! So if your tank is compatible with anemones, I'll let this extremely nice anemone go for $25! But come get him tonight!!! Pick up the phone, give me a call @ 357-7016.
(see the photo in my gallery)
AHA! Now I know what you were talking about in the other thread.

Yes ...they are brutal when they move. When my BTA was figuring out where it wanted to be, everything it walked across looked like it had been napalmed.

Once they're happy they do stay put. My Rose has not moved in over 2 years now. They just wreak a little havoc until they figure it out. They tend to look for optimal current and light and like a lot of both. Since I have PCs, that meant the highest rock the closest to the return jets and supplemental power heads.

The best thing is to move everything in it's path until it settles and then you can put them back. fwiw, everything that got stung grew back and the Montipora in my picture in the other thread gets stung regularly and seems to have built up an immunity. Either that or the anemone brushes against it without stinging now because it is used to the Montipora being there.

Good Luck!

Possible Foster Home!

Possible Foster Home!


You may recall that I have a pair of Clown's. Once established, I hoped to try my hand and providing them a BTA home. My tank is 10 months old and other than hair algea and buffering my high calcium, I think it's fairly stable. (Still working on increasing flow...?Tunze?)

Do you think the BTA would be happy in the 170g, especially since I do not have many corals?

BTW, the frog spawn I adopted from you is doing's huge!
