Your 2016/2017 BOD


Congratulations to Kegogut and Aqua Man 07 on their newly elected positions! We will be keeping Smoothdog as our treasurer. Also, after speaking with the board I will be staying on as secretary. Your BOD for the 2016/2017 Period will be:

President: Mr D Smack
Vice-President: Kegogut
Treasurer: Smoothdog
Secretary: Ebius
Member-at-large: Aqua Man 07

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Congrats to the new board members and thank you to the other outstanding candidates who volunteered to run as well. Just because you didn't get elected, don't leave the club, we need everyone to help our club.
Wow thanks guys I really didn't expect to win lol. I guess I got a lot of catching up to do to fill kegos shoes I'm not as large lol.