Your advice please :)


A Reef In The Sky
Hi guys,

Just after your advice regarding stream pump placement.

Below is a picture of the future tank. Dimensions 66"x26"x22" with an internal corner
overflow. Glass thickness will be 19mm (0.74"). It will house predominately SPS but there maybe a few LPS or softies close to the substrate.

I was thinking of having x3 Tunze 6105's connected to a GHL profilux controller. Will this work for the new Tunze models? I'd also like to have x1 Tunze Nano-stream 6055 in the sump.

Maybe one in the right rear corner, left rear corner on the side glass. The other on the left side of the internal overflow approx 7" below the water level with the idea of pushing water from right to left behind the rock work.


Any info would be great.
I think 2 6105 is all you need and I would just place one in each corner as far to the back as possible and aim them to hit the front about 4ft away. I am not up on other manufacturers controllers, we do not endorse or license them so I can't say for sure if they work, if it worked on the 6100 and 6101, it will work for the 6105.
Thank you for your response. The positioning sounds good!

Couldn't I run a 3rd in the position I mentioned but have it on/off every couple of seconds. I'd like to ensure no stagnant water behind the rock work.
The wavebox is probably a better solution for this problem, you could do this but keep in mind the pump has to be removed for cleaning every 6 months at a minimum.
I'm dubious of using a wave box on the rimless tank. I've read/heard that they can put a lot of stress and reduce the life if the tank itself. I think I'm pushing the boundaries already so that may not be an option.
They do stress the seams, but on a well made tank, the life span reduction should be negligible. Most tanks will be retired for scratches and damaged/discolored silicon before the seams would ever fail from the wavebox action.
Ok, thank you Roger for the info.

Another question. I'm looking to use the Tunze Silence Pumps as my return. What would you estimate the G/h to be for 5' pump head?

You would want to use the 1073.040 and it would produce about 380-420gph at 5ft of head.